Does anyone know the names of the songs played toward the end of this episode? 

Specifically in the locker room when they are kissing?

So we had Fellow fellow - ตามใจ -, in the candle light scene. Then Loving Caliber - Halo (sing me to sleep) in that NC scene and Dillion Knighton - Fallout Jig. If you liked the guitars, you're my person! 

Thanks so much!

Do you know the dancey sounding songs that are between Halo and Fallout Jig?

When Dai walks on stage it's  Suedo feat. Zenosyne - The Viper but they used the instrumental version.
When Ken was fixing Seji's shoe lace it was - Adelyn Paik - Waiting for your love.
When the handsy guy told Wela that he likes the song, it's Alphascan - Going crazy.  
When Khem got jealous  and the DJ went out to talk to him, its  Brendon Moeller - Peripheral vision.
When they were kissing in the parking lot, it was Katnip - Silverware (this one was also in Bed Friend OST).
When Khem ordered 6 hosts - Mikas - Virtual Emotions.  
And their locker room kiss -  Basixx - Meet me in the dark and Artbat - Horizon.  

I think we got all ep3 songs, let me know if I missed any. 

You are amazing! Thanks so much!