
5. ( I now u r cruel book, why u r snatching her love from her so early, atleast let her be under impression that he had really liked her,  just for a while, just for a day, but no ! U had to do that, the moment I wrote 3rd sentence,  u were waiting only to pounce upon n snatch her love from her..)

Girl was in so much pain, she lost her interest in this worldly things and requested the witch from previous story to allow her to join alongside. 

Okay, imma edit it a little bit, let them be happy for some time

6. Yet another plot twist, the witch turned out to be the boy's first love, they realised that both of them had actually been played by the boy!

( lol, why u r after that poor fella so desperately??? How come a cute intelligent girl and witch be in same frame?? And also you are forgetting that handsome prince was the love interest of the witch n not the guy of our cute intelligent gal)

7. As the girl and witch were on the path of 'the search, witch started giving her pearls of wisdom n told her, if she really likes the guy, then she shd have faith in the love. And without expecting anything in return 'just keep on doing your thing' ( in the tone of mehro's, i am ready for your anything... I am on the brink of exploding song), with all those moves, witch was dancing,  to see carefree nature of the witch, it suddenly dawned upon our girl, she can be water drop on the leaf surface, without letting get the leaf wet, thus she decided.....

( Alright my bad, let's bring story back to track)

8. So she decided to have faith and investigate the truth instead of doubting him. That was when she realised that the boy really loved her, the first love was just a nonsensical rumor created by his friends.

9. But alas!

The guy was so much angry with our girl's accusations, that he distanced himself from her, and was on "No Talk" ( read in tone of , "No Touch" from me.queen) terms, poor girl did not understand what to do, but as she was on the path of 'let it go' , she did not want to trouble the life of the ML, and got busy in her surroundings. 


10. Then one day, they reunited again due to work purposes. The old flames in their heart reignited.

11. She was so much wants him to approach her, as this time she was like,  ‘once bitten twice shy’ , kinda.

12. And so started their relation again and sailed the ship of love, after 2 years of understanding, they finally got married and had a boy.

That was late man!

( and I feel that was so fast....2 yrs???? Just???)

13. Wow!!! That sounds lovely though, Happiness, peace, joy was surrounding......5 more years went by ( we know how fast time flies when one is happy) , second baby was on the way. And......

14. 2 years later, the third baby was on the way, no to be more precise it was the fourth baby too, because they were twins.

(Idk how to continue this, the story seems to have already ended, it looks so ridiculous hahha, we literally messed up at certain point lol)

( I know, and upto certain extent, I feel that I was the culprit. Dunno y. This time u select the topic)

Total 4??? R u kidding me???  So if the twins are gals, then like fedex + mirka, our gal n guy would have , 

Men’s single, women’s single, men’s double, women’s double and mixed double for lawn tennis team from our home only.

15. Agree that our gal is too cute n simple n guy luvs her like anything , that doesn’t mean the guy shd keep busy with bringing up kids only.

Anyways, all of them right now are at Arthur Ashe stadium NY.


Here begins a new story.

1. In the most remote village lived a handsome dog ?? (male)

2. His owner is equally handsome. ( like the movie Turner and hooch starring Tom hanks)

3. So one day the dog finds itself looking at the mirror.

(The dog is the main lead)

4. He remembers his past life, where he had same master, and master had sacrificed his own life to save this dog's, in order to pay the debt, dog got this birth with the same master.