expensive... picking your top drama/movies is...
omg this was s'posed to carry on from the easter eggs question!!
islandCHICKloveDRAMA wrote: expensive...

picking your top drama/movies is...
the hardest thing to do. Junk foods are..
no good. Nightmares are...
are things that leave you shaking for a while, when you wake up. ;O Ella Chen is...
Cute! Park Bom is..
a good singer. Dongho is...
my one and only love forever until the end of time <3 lol Popcorn is..
...jumpy :D Microwaves are...
able to make something warm. Ballerinas are...
so fragile-looking. " makes me want to bake them a big chocolate cake" ;D "Hakuna matata" is....
...something that makes me want to go crazy :D Jungle is...
um, green? Japanese food is...
yummy! Sushi is..
something I've never eaten Vanness Wu is....