Then I run start screaming like a madwoman and run for my life until my legs fall off!! In the unlikely event time went back to 5 years ago
and I will be so happy and i will do the thing the i didn't try to do. In the unlikely event time went back to 5 years ago
I would become more of a rebel and do what I want!! In the unlikely event that you would be proposed to tomorrow by your favourite actor
~omoooo!! then the only thing I need to do is to choose between my oppas *.* It's unlikely event that you've turn into bubbles like little mermaid
Then I must quickly find my prince charming and fall in love before I turn into bubble In the unlikely event that all you bones will disappear and you are nothing but skin and muscle
That is to horrifying in the unlikely event you stub your toe and your leg falls off
what? no........................ in the unlikely event you suddenly lost your sight w/o a reason.
Oh my...Nooooo!! In the unlikely event you woke up the next day and lost the ability to speak
..........................(this is me mouthing Oh no!!!!!) in the unlikely event you win an arm wrestling contest with me
Guess I'd have to finish you off.

In the unlikely event you are transported back in time to 1965
I probably lost in translation.. In the unlikely event you find yourself choking to death
find a sturdy counter or table and perform the heimlich maneuver in the unlikely event i send my army of talking pink monies after you
lol... I will send them back to you coz they caught a disease called thisguy2011 chummy virus.. in the unlikely event you were hit by me falling meteor rock..
I would bounce back in no time in the unlikely event you find yourself with no money and no clothes
I would find a box cover myself up and run to my dad's or sisters home. In the unlikely event you were being ate by an ant, what would you do?