Wonder if i shrunk or if it grew in the unlikely event you became the opposite gender
Freak out and try to get some help from some kind of wizard or something and might have to accept the fact that I would have to live my life as a gay man attracted to straight men. In the unlikely event you agree to be a prisoner forever in exchange for your father to be free in an enchanted castle by a prince who has transformed into a beast what would you do?
Explain to my to the prince that i'm totally cool with my father being imprison and don't wish to make the exchange. If that didn't work I'd stay out of the west wing and have the furniture sing my blues away in the unlikely event you find your self obsessed with belly button lint
lol! I would save it and make a lint ball. In the unlikely event you were transformed into a fairy tale book what would you do?
Own cause i know the ending to all of them in the unlikely even you are transported to Sparta durring the persian invasion
Hide. In the unlikely event you were made into a flower at random time what would you do?
Own cause i know stuff about flowers other flowers don't in the unliely even you were tossed from a moving train
Would probably be dead with my bones popping out and maybe even some brain tissue showing. In the unlikely event powdered sugar was falling out of the sky what would you do?
Stock up. Don't have much use for the stuff but free is free in the unlikely event you found yourself lost in the moment
I probably be lost in it forever. in the unlikely event we bump to each other.
apparently i'd know it was you from the smell of your socks in the unlikely event that when we bump into each other i hand off a yellow envelope and told you to meet me at the airport with that envelope and you should open it if you value your life and then i run off with several suited burly men chasing after me
Ill join along i like unpredictable situation that should be fun and new experienced to add in my portfolio of life. In the unlikely events were blood match will u donate ur blood to me
I would, though idk a lot of people with B+ blood. in the unlikely event you could run faster than a panther, what would you do?
become the apex predator in the unlikely event you become my pray
Just look at you and continue w/e I was doing ;p In the unlikely event you were petted by a cat what would you do?