idol; doesn't have much of an actress aura, although I can't deny she is good at acting..

Im Si Wan 
Idol - even though he's a very talented actor, I know BTOB and music is his number 1! (I say this as a melody who ults BTOB lol)

Eric Mun
Ahhh so hard T__T but I would say actor...because he has the face of an actor haha.
Ok Taecyeon
Actor, but I haven't been impressed yet. Please reccomend a good movie/drama to me ^^

Lee Jong Suk
Idol (although he is a cute actor, but damn he is more of an idol for me, i love his competitiveness in every variety show he guess)

Choi Siwon ^^
Idol but I think his way of acting is actually cute

Ji soo

Fujigaya Taisuke