The Corrupted Wishing Game

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Granted and it will flooded your house and you sink into it too.. I wish the sharks are toothless haha..
Granted but you will be toothless too I wish I had super powers
Granted but you will have a life span of 1 day I wish I could earn hundred bucks per hour every time I watch a drama
granted but there is alot of compitition for the only position in the world that pays you to watch drama and i just don't think you got what it takes so you could have earn $100 an hour to watch drama but i'm hiring some one else I wish i could pay some one $100 bucks an hour to watch drama before me and let me know if it will disapoint me
Granted but that person cant talk and can only communicate through sign language which you wont be able to understand! I wish I could see my bad future and change it!
Fulfilled but after seeing your future you'll experience a body switch with a person who has a darker future than you previously had I wish my fav kpop group will serenade me
Granted the kpop group will serenade you but in your building roof i wish i had not done any mistake while speech
granted but instead you dropped dead at the speech i wish cows could fly
granted, and for that the monkey decided to give u an earful of speech,while the cow flying over to the moon lol

I wish sleep come easy..
granted but then you have the hardest time waking up and are late for everything i wish i could play the guitar
Granted but you are deaf and can't feel musical vibrations I wish I owned the Hope Diamond
Fulfilled but you are the only one who can see its true form, other's will view it as useless rock I wish I could ride in a hot air balloon
Granted, but only for 1 second I wish South Korea is only 10 blocks away from my home
granted but you don't have a transportation or bus fare to even come just for one step.

I wish my effort will paid off.
granted unfortunately the pay off is in peanut butter i wish my hair was blue