'I will' or 'I won't'

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I won't

Will you go out for the weekend??
I will

Will you sleep over someone's place this weekend?
I won't. I hardly leave the house.

Will you sleep in tomorrow? 
I will (Saturdays are awesome :)

Will you go to a party this weekend?
I won't.

Will you go out for drinks this weekend?
I won't....housesitting haha.  

Will you eat something tasty this weekend
I won't

Will you go shopping this week?
I will (grocery shopping)

Will you watch a non-asian tv show or movie today?
I won't

Will you go out to dinner this weekend?
I won't....

Will you clean your house this weekend??
I won't cause I live in the boonies :P

Will you read a good book this weekend
I won't....

Will you go the park this weekend
I won't

Will you talk on the phone today?
I won't....

Will you try new and interesting things
I will

Will you go on a date with someone new?