
____ see you in the corner of my eyes______.
I/laughing So____ was______by a rabid monkey.
lol you got that right!

I/kissed :D

My____ seems to have_____.
you too:) Heater/died _____ _____ the way you eat.
Thisguy2011 wrote: you too:)


_____ _____ the way you eat.

my answer are

ans;I hate the way you eat.

why__ people ___when they are___.
EJ_101 wrote: my answer are

ans;I hate the way you eat.

why__ people ___when they are___.

1. do 2. snore 3. sleeping

1. you 2. to 3. like 4. actor ( do you want to be like an actor sometimes?) Why___i ___ Korean ___so ___?
why do i love korean dramas so much ?? ______ is the _____ thing in the _____
Noblefingers wrote: why do i love korean dramas so much ??
______ is the _____ thing in the _____

Dramais the biggest thing in the world.

sometimes___ have to ___ look____ to see its____.
Sometimes family have to be look complete to see its unity.

Being ______ makes me want to ______ and ________ so i can be truly happy.
Being happy makes me want to skip and jump so I can truly be happy.

You make me __________, so please ___________.
shambles wrote: Being happy makes me want to skip and jump so I can truly be happy.

You make me __________, so please ___________.

________ sight but it's more like____ way.
TGIF_20 wrote: crazy/leave
________ sight but it's more like____ way.

1. Lovely 2. agonizing

Sometimes I _______ what will ______ me ________.
Sometimes I wonder what will bring me happiness

It is _____, can you ____ me some___?
boring/ buy/ popcorn thisguy, you almost got it. :) Today I ____ if I ____ be _____ the right______.