Ask The Person Below You #2

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I will if its really need or for the greater good hahahaha ;) Do you you like to be called crazy or weirdo?
i've been called both..quite a lot really. I think i prefer weirdo how often do people tell you that you are weird?
Everyday...they either say it to my face or say it behind my back!! I like being called weird makes me unique and stand out I suppose!! Have you called anyone weird or crazy lately?
just my friends, we call each other weird and crazy all the time have you ever pretended not to know something just to avoid dealing with drama?
Yes plenty of times. The best advice ever given to you was...?
'Please just get married to him already!!!' Said this to my cousin who wasn't sure whether to marry her boyfriend! Well she is happily married now!!! :D What is the funniest pick up line you have ever heard?
The "Did it hurt (what?) when you fell from heaven?" cheesiest line ever but for some reason I bust out laughing whenever I hear it. What is the one thing you will not compromise over?
Family and religion I guess!! If you could visit another country, where would you want to visit?
Besides anywhere in Asia - as that's pretty much a give - it would be Italy. I love, love, love Italian food and to have the chance to eat it there would be wonderful! Now what country would you not want to visit?
i dont think i would want to go to Rwanda or some place turbulent like that love or money?
Love. Money can only sustain you for so long but love lasts for a lifetime....or so I think! What is your ultimate dream cast for a drama?
hmm tough one I think for guys Kim Jae-Wook Jang Geun Suk and...maybe Song Jae-Rim too for fun Ladies Yoon Eun Hye and Jeon Ji Hyeon type of drama for your ultimate cast?
I think the type of drama I would have for my dream cast is melodrama but with a bit of everything a little romance, comedy, action etc. If you could choose to be in a drama, which one would it be and what character would you want to play?
hmmm i would pick You who came from the stars, it seems like it would be fun to play Chun Song Yi if you could get to sing with anyone..who would it be?
Me and singing??? The poor person will become deaf!! Ummm but I am a big fan of Michael Jackson and would have wanted to sing with him! If you could dance with someone who would it be?