Ask The Person Below You #2

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Volleyball and swimming

Whats the best thing you've eaten this week?
Korean BBQ for my brother's 20th birthday.

What are your pet peeves?
hmm.. prolly blurting out some nonsense out of nowhere, im doing it bcoz i want to forget something..

What is your dream vacation?
To go to hawaii or somwehre tropical with my prince.

what do u like to do on your free time?
I like to draw and watch dramas 

if you could speak another language, what would it be?
I would love to have a british accent for english :)

do u paint your nails often?
Yes once every other week
Which country would u want to live in? 
South Korea ^__^

what's your dream job?
Maybe editing japan dramas in France ^^

Trump or Putin ? 

Do u like to have picnics with your friends?
More like going to restaurants but picnics work too xD
if you were to live the life of one drama character who would it be an why? 
Kim Hye Soo(from signal) and Lee Yeon Hee (from ghost)..simply bc both are detectives and i love their characteristics #goalz

if you could time travel, would you rather go to the past or the future? 
I already know what happened in the past but it would be nice experiencing it for myself... but since I don't know the future, I would choose to travel to the future rather than the past 
if u could be stuck at a certain age, what age would it be and why?
fifteen, because life was a lot simpler then.

if your life had a soundtrack, what are some songs that would be on it so far? 
The motto - drake
Shut up and dance with me
accidentally in love

.. some of the things in my head atm

can you describe yourself?