Ask The Person Below You #2

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would you choose a boy who is from other religion and younger than you?
not really

what's your greatest achievement in life so far?
Being able to reach this far.

Song stuck in your head right now?
My Memory-Introverted Boss OST

One thing you love about yourself?
the one thing that I love about myself is my personality

Are you satisfied with your life right now? why or why not?
Ummm No because like everyone in their teens, I am finding fault in my life and believe me k-drama is making it worse...

What is the one thing you like in your friend/s...
their craziness

what's running into your mind right now?
I want to go on a cute date

what will u do this weekend?
Read cause I have a very important test coming up!

Have you ever dated??
I did and i realized i better off without him

How does your friends describe you? 
sweet and caring

Do u like it when someone handsome stares at you?
I wouldn't know because it has never happened to me.

Your favorite ice cream flavor?

Most used social medias?

Your favorite app on the phone?
Instagram,  Fantastic life (a daily devotion app),  a game called showa candy

How are you feeling today?