True Or False #2

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False i love cliches i really do (gosh admitting it is kinda embarrassing XD)

TNP loves CR/Shower Scenes..
True depending on who it is. But what is CR? #confused

TNP has blue eyes
CR scenes are those where they cry on the cubicle or something like that..
False, i have brown eyes but not that light..

TNP love cute things/people..
True. XD cute is best ^^ and okay... lol XD

TNP is watching mask

False. I don't watching airing dramas, but I'm keeping an eye on it. Looks like it might be a good one!

TNP is a very beautiful person.
I hope its true..

TNP likes to watch Running Man.
False. But I hope to watch it someday when I have the time.

TNP is a pescetarian.
True. I try to avoid meat but not fish. How did you know though ....

TNP watched Healer
Yup TRUE favourite drama evar <3

TNP wants a hug 
True. lets all hug each other.

TNP wants chocolates.
Lol XD yay! and sorta true. =P I want chocolate pudding or ice cream. XD

TNP wishes the heat would go away >_<
Noooooo ... False! I wish the heat would come! And stay! I hate feeling cold! :p

TNP fangirls/boys a lot.
True =)

TNP wishes they could take the heat away from me X'D
Wat-! false, sorry but i cold places :) makes me sleep so happy XD

TNP is dying to save money to see his/her bias..
Haha same =P But true <3 of course T^T must see infinite. hahahhaha XD

TNP is having so much fun on the forum games X'D