
I speak 6 languages(english,serbian,italian,turkish,spanish,also the sign language). But I can understand around 8(previous 6+hindi and korean)

My first is Serbian.

Right now I'm learning Korean grammar so that I can be able to speak it too,not just understand it!! :D And my friend from Japan is trying to help me learn some Japanese.

P.s.Really good question!! *clapping in approval* ^^
Arabic, French and English :) 
English, Urdu, Punjabi and Korean
German, English, Arabic and a little bit Spanish and French
Italian, English, French and can understand Spanish but I can't really speak it.
I studied Japanese, as hobby, some time ago too. I can read hiragana and katakana and can say basic stuff.
My first language is Spanish, but I'm (obviously) fluent in English. I took Italian and Portuguese for a few years and can understand better than I can speak. I've also picked up a lot of Japanese and Arabic throughout the years, but I wouldn't say that I have even a slight grasp of those languages.
First language is English, second language is Mandarin Chinese (fluent in both) and trying to simultaneously learn Cantonese and Japanese :) 
First Language: English
Second: Spanish [very rusty], plus a bit of Latin

Learning: Korean, and Mandarin. 
1. my national language : Dzongkha
2. English
4. Hindi
5. learning Korean and Japanese & Taiwanese ....
i speak polish, english, korean ( still learning )
My first language is Romanian. I can speak English, a bit of French. Currently I am studying Arabic and Deutsch.
I can undestand a bit of Korean and Japanese, but I can't really speak :(.
I grew up with French, Dutch and German, I learned English at age 12 and speak it fluently and also learned Spanish in high school but I lost some of it. Aside from that, I also speak a little Greek and Korean (level A2).
My first language is Swedish and my second is English and I've learned German for 6 years but its been three since I stopped learning and now I can't speak german at all. 
My first language is Latvian, I'm also pretty fluent in English, which is my second language. I have been learning Russian for 5 years, my vocabulary is not that great but I can understand stuff and say things as well.. I won't say I'm great at it though. I started learning French last year as well but I will probably stop after graduating; I can understand simple things and sentences in French.

I can read hangul and understand a tiny bit, and also understand an even tinier bit of Mandarin. I have a goal to learn if not both of these languages, then at least Korean -- fluently.