1. Facebook 2. MyDramaList 3. Youtube 4. Viki 5. My highschool's website >.<
1. Facebook 2. Dramacrazy 3. MDL 4. Webtoonlive 5. Youtube (^-^)
1. Facebook 2. Yahoo Japan 3. Yahoo 4. Drama crazy 5. MDL
mine should be 1. my main mail box 2. Facebook (to spy...uhm see what my friends are doing...) 3. Dramacrazy 3. MyDramaList 5. Youtube maybe... or my others mail boxes Nice Thread, i'm going to visit some other's favorite website where I may can find some dramas (or gossips) I'm looking for. (i'm not really adventurous on the internet...)
1) gmail is my home page. in random order soccernet, MAL, MDL, youtube, liverpoolfc.tv
1. Allkpop (I open it more than 3 times in a day) 2. Mydramalist (more than 6 times in a day! =)) ) 3. Kshownow.net 4. dramacrazy.net 5. facebook (just to check notifications) I dont open my twitter on the browser since I have an app on my desktop. :)
1. dramacrazy (I really watch often, even more these days since its summer ^^) 2. MDL (After an episode, i immediately record what episode i finished. >.<) 3. dramabeans (When some new episodes aren't subbed yet, i consult for dramabeans. And for updates with dramas. hihi) 4. facebook (noti!!!) 5. youtube (hehe. i am checking with the updates. ^^)
1) Facebook (Check notifications and chat ^.^) 2) Tumblr (Because it is just awesome) 3) Livejournal (To go on omonatheydidnt and exochocolate) 4) MDL (I always update what ep I am on in a drama and what I plan to watch :3 and to go on forums!) 5) Dramacrazy (To watch dramas ofc ;D)
Not in order of Preference 1. Viki 2. Mydramalist 3. Mysoju 4. Google 5. Dramacrazy (Facebook used to be one of mine, but I lost my stu*** pass 2 years ago and haven't bothered making one since ><)
1. facebook 2.youtube 3. mydramalist 4.dramacrazy 5. news website(s)
1. Deviant Art (check messages) 2. My Drama List (i open it to check messages and update but end up staying on it for a lot longer than expected ^^) 3. Facebook (check notifications) 4. Yahoo (check email) 5. Animecrazy and/or dramacrazy and/or mangafox (watch anime and/or drama and/or read manga)
1. Facebook 2. My Drama List 3.Dramacrazy 4.News websites 5.Youtube/Tumblr/my friends' blogs
Gmail / Yahoo Mail Allkpop Koalasplayground / Dramabeans Mysoju / Dramacrazy TVLine
1 MDL 2 DC 3 Youtube 4 Viki 5 D-Addict