I'm feeling down, because I just finished a great, but sad drama which made me think a lot :S AND I have lots of school work, which I need to get done, so that makes me even sadder :(
I have a cold and my head hurts so much, I hope my cold gets better tomorrow.... I don't want to go to school tomorrow ew.. :(
Basically today was from SUPER good to god, what I did wrong? hahahahah 
But is okay, positive. Tomorrow is other day luckily 
Cheer up everybody! ♥ 
Really weird. Can't describe this. :s 
I'm quite sick so I'm sitting in the office and I don't feel up to doing my work but I don't feel bad enough to go home.. so now I'm just bored and doing nothing. 
hurting; just installed my braces yesterday :(
Tired and at the same time bored. Too much school works... it's exhausting T______T
full of positive energy ♥
Excited and happy! Finals just ended so I'm on break for a month. Which means I can binge watch my "plan to watch" list before school starts again. 
hurting! cramps >.