some of the responses here are very awkardly sad. but ahahaa enjoying reading them 
Wow... It's a long story.

In 2010 I randomly found a laptop on the bus on my way to school. In the laptop case I found a notebook, the only thing that was written in it was "Me llamo (and his name)". So I called the school that the computer belonged to and asked if they had a student with his name. They confirmed that he went to their school and promised to give him my number so that I could hand it over to him. 

After school that day he called me and we met up for the very first time. He was shy and didn't say much, so I asked him to treat me for some coffee (or hot chocolate in my case).  We went to a café and talked for a long time, it was very nice, but I was very socially awkward at the time and he was too. My akwardness took the form of endless chatter and a frankness that would scare pretty much anyone away. I've always been unnecessarily honest in all kinds of situations. So while I was awkwardly babbling away, he was pretty quiet while laughing nervously, making jokes now and then. I told him that I had a boyfriend, but would love to be friends with him. He was interested in me at the time, but of course, never told me. We met up two times more, but then we somehow stopped talking and didn't see each other for two years.

Two years later I started to work in a town close to the city I live in, and one day, I opened the door to step out of the apartment I worked in and out of the opposite door to the apartment just across the hallway he walked out. Turns out he lived there. I felt an urge to get to know him, but we did that thing that "people who kind of know each other but really don't" do, awkwardly greeting each other when absolutely necessary but nothing more. He told me later that he still liked me at the time, but that he didn't do anything because I had a boyfriend. After working there for a year I moved in together with my then boyfriend, so he and I didn't see each other for maybe another two years.  

When I finally moved back to my old city and broke up with my ex, he magically wrote to me (without even knowing that I had moved back and that my relationship was over). We went to the café where we talked for the very first time and a short time after that we fell madly in love with each other.

Now we've been together for over a year and the more I get to know him, the deeper I fall in love him.
He's such a great and amazing person.
I started dating my boyfriend in junior high school. We dated 8 months and then we broke up (because of the lack of maturity). We would see each other at school but like most of ex-couples we did like we didn't know each other.
At Senior high school (two years later) because of a matriculation problem me and some classmates had to attend a school subject  with another class. That class was ex's class and we started to get along again as friend.
After a school trip were we got drunk (and kiss) we started to date again and we are still dating, it has been 5 years since we started to date again.
We have some good and bad moments but together we are stonger.
I used to like someone. But I met Hikigaya.
I've never been in a relationship, I've only dated like 3 times and the longest was for 2 months or something haha. But I don't really mind not dating or anything because most people just want to change you, although they claim they don't. As soon as you notice that you have to do something you don't really want to, they're not worth your time and energy, which goes for all people not only romantic interests.
Also, love only tends to come when you're the busiest and when you least expect it. (That's what my mom tells me xD)