Finished my bacherlor (Kindergarten teacher) last year ^^
ok, maybe it's because it's late here, or maybe I finished my studies years ago and didn't remember things well, or maybe I'm a little dumb, but could you explain a little bit more about all the degree you mentionned, cause they don't always fit with other countries' system. maybe the average age for each degree could help me. it's not I don't know what to choose, but I'm wondering what some are. thanks in advance.
it's hard to choose something becasue the school system in my country is totally different :D ... but I'm in university right now.
senior HS this coming monday. ^_^ .. HIGHSCHOOL IS FUN! <3 ..
I have my Masters in Theological Studies. I had enrolled in a Masters program with the intention of continuing on to a doctoral program, but when my adviser called me into his office to discuss suitable programs, I had a complete breakdown. Fifteen minutes of sobbing and a cup of tea later, we both came to the conclusion that maybe a break from academia was needed. Two years later, and I ain't ever going back to that world. Ever.
gonna b in sophomore HS in september and im not excited :/