-winnie- wrote: 2pm sounds like a good time. Depends which day it is but I should be able to make it unless something comes up. I will be coming from London :)

Oh lovely :)

BTW anyone who is able to come can they please say what day & time would suit them best and we will then go with the majority.

So far we have a suggestion for days as anytime over the Easter bank holidays holidays (Friday 18 April to Monday 21 April) and time as 2pm.

So can everyone please pick a day and time thanks :)
ali101234 wrote: I WILL!! I shall get on a plane right now if i have too!!!

You will be a month too early for the MDL'ers meet up but thats ok you can tour UK/Europe for a few weeks :D
_Rosie wrote: Wow hats off to you for coming all the way from Newcastle!! I hope you do come.

Im flexible on times but I understand for those who are travelling that it will be difficult..... what time would suit you early afternoon like say 2pm??

BTW the subscription feature thing isnt working I didnt get any notifications

I'll do my best. =D I hope everyone understands Geordie...

2pm sounds good to me too.
Any of those days should be okay for me except Sunday because I don't know how frequent trains are and there's usually engineering works going on. Typical of UK transport system :)
_Rosie wrote: You will be a month too early for the MDL'ers meet up but thats ok you can tour UK/Europe for a few weeks :D

OOOHHH that sounds nice! hows the weather over there??? I would really like to escape the heat over here
Mcrew05 wrote: Meeting in the afternoon sounds like a good plan :), as most people won't have been to Birmingham before (surely I can't be the only one who hasn't) so best we aren't wondering around the streets in the dark :P

Btw the subscription will notify you then won't happy again until you visit the thread if that makes sense? Maybe that's why? as mine is working :)

I haven't been to Birmingham before, I've driven through it. I would like to visit Chinatown, maybe see if they sell Taiwanese bubble tea...lol. Yummy!
-winnie- wrote: Any of those days should be okay for me except Sunday because I don't know how frequent trains are and there's usually engineering works going on. Typical of UK transport system :)

Same here. Maybe Friday or Saturday would be best, but I don't mind Monday either.
Wish I could come :(
Mcrew05 wrote: So we have the location set ~ providing no one has any objections?

Where exactly is the location?
Mcrew05 wrote: As the founder/admin of MDL I think it's your responsibly to come :P flights are only around £500 ($800) each way ;)

ONLY? :D and I actually just looked it up and it's around $1300 usd roundtrip.
Mcrew05 wrote: Birmingham :) _Rosie said both the Korean restaurants are near Birmingham City Centre - Chinatown area & very close to New Street train station:D

Which leads to a good point we need to decide on which restaurant :P

Ahh, I was one step ahead. I meant which restaurant. xD I'll leave that for others to decide. I'm not familiar with Korean food.
femmedesneiges wrote: I'll do my best. =D I hope everyone understands Geordie...

2pm sounds good to me too.

WOOHOO!! You're from Newcastle? I study at the university and I don't like too far from there :)!

If possible can we avoid the weekend I have work though I don't really mind taking time off since it's my birthday on 20th anyways but 21st sounds good :)
PrettyBrown_Eyes wrote: WOOHOO!! You're from Newcastle? I study at the university and I don't like too far from there :)!

Actually from Durham/Sunderland (so I speak Mackem, but I was generalising xD), but I'll get the train from Newcastle.
Im not familiar with Korean food either I guess it will be an experience for us.... like it or loathe it lol As I am a local Brummie how about we meet at New Street Station and when everyone has arrived I can then walk us all down to Chinatown area where the restaurants are...? There are shops there too so maybe you guys can find this bubble tea which i have never heard of but am now intrigued about. BTW New Street has undergone some refurbishment and now it has several exits taking you to different sides of the city once you exit the ticket barrier so nearer the time I will give my tel no to those definitely coming and I will meet you at the station by the ticket barriers to prevent you guys venturing out into the city center and getting lost hahahahah I feel like a tour guide :D
femmedesneiges wrote: Actually from Durham/Sunderland (so I speak Mackem, but I was generalising xD), but I'll get the train from Newcastle.

OMG! I used to live in Sunderland and now Hartlepool (thinking of moving back there) but I work in Sunderland. We could potentially walk past each other without knowing aha! The world is such a small place!