_Rosie wrote: Im not familiar with Korean food either I guess it will be an experience for us.... like it or loathe it lol

As I am a local Brummie how about we meet at New Street Station and when everyone has arrived I can then walk us all down to Chinatown area where the restaurants are...? There are shops there too so maybe you guys can find this bubble tea which i have never heard of but am now intrigued about.

BTW New Street has undergone some refurbishment and now it has several exits taking you to different sides of the city once you exit the ticket barrier so nearer the time I will give my tel no to those definitely coming and I will meet you at the station by the ticket barriers to prevent you guys venturing out into the city center and getting lost hahahahah I feel like a tour guide :D

Currently in a bubble tea shop. Its good stuff.
It sounds like so much fun.. I'm from london so i'm still not sure on whether i could actually make it and I think i probably would be off uni at the time but i don't know Birmingham well :/
MissPhantasme wrote: It sounds like so much fun..
I'm from london so i'm still not sure on whether i could actually make it and I
think i probably would be off uni at the time but i don't know Birmingham well :/

Dont be put off by not knowing B'ham I will be the tour guide for anyone out of town....I will meet you guys at the train station and take you back as well :)

Also once we have agreed a day I strongly recommend you guys to book your train tickets asap as you can then get them really cheap if you book in advance. I went to London last weekend for £20
Skye-N-Rain wrote: Currently in a bubble tea shop. Its good stuff.

Is it like Sheesha ??
_Rosie wrote: Is it like Sheesha ??

I actually don't do Sheesha/Hookah. But how are those two related lol. Its a drink.
Mcrew05 wrote: Skye-N-Rain I hope you are saving some for us & will be bringing them when you come to the meet up ;)

MissPhantasme Please come :) I know a couple of other Londoners who are coming. Please don't worry about not knowing the city from the sounds of it not many people do XD & like Rosie said she'll take care of us :D

Sure I'll buy boba for everyone if someone buys me a plane ticket or has a private jet laying around. :p
PrettyBrown_Eyes wrote: OMG! I used to live in Sunderland and now Hartlepool (thinking of moving back there) but I work in Sunderland. We could potentially walk past each other without knowing aha! The world is such a small place!

We really could. =D I study part-time in Sunderland so I'm there quite often.

_Rosie wrote: Dont be put off by not knowing B'ham I will be the tour guide for anyone out of town....I will meet you guys at the train station and take you back as well :)

I get totally stressed out in new places when I don't know where I'm going, so thanks for that. =)
I really want to come!! Im from London! It will take about an hour and a half to get to Birmingham with the train!! But just so we are all clear what date and time should we meet??? Excited now!! :D
What are the dates of the meet up? I'm from Leicester which is about 50 mins from Birm New Street :D
Mcrew05 wrote: Heya :) We are just trying to decide which is the best day for everyone so that everyone/most people can come :D
What days could you come out of Friday 18th OR Saturday 19th Or Monday 21st ? :)

This is probably going to bug you but I can do any :D I would prefer Monday though. Birmingham will be very busy on a Fri or Sat. This is so exciting! I've never met anyone who likes Asian dramas as much as me before
Ok upon review of everyone's availability I think Friday is best suited so here it is mark it in your diaries and book your tickets now!!

Date: Good Friday 18th April 2014

Time: 2pm

Location: Birmingham New Street Train Station


Please RSVP so we know about numbers nearer the time as I will have to probably make a booking at the restaurant
boo I can't make it (I am already booked for that friday & saturday) but have a GREAT time!! ^^
no more comments ... bumping
Rubbish! I can't do it. :( I'll have to wait for the next one, if there is another one.
ispunaweb wrote: Rubbish! I can't do it. :( I'll have to wait for the next one, if there is another one.

Can you make it on any of the other days? We are willing to accommodate, its just that everyone went quiet so I picked a day that looked like it would suit most people and now all we have is more silence and the odd people just saying they cannot attend.

Obviously any day we choose is not going to suit everyone but if anyone is really keen on coming but cannot make it on the Friday we can change the date....