As the title suggests, what irks me (as if anybody cares):

  • When MDL is no longer My Drama List and includes titles for Music programs or even concerts
  • Worse even, when MDL includes Pornographic Titles - there IS a difference between a movie/drama that is erotic and has sexual content, and a movie that is purely pornographic  
  • People rating dramas even before they are aired
  • People not respecting differences of opinion (God forbid, you say something bad about the title and crazy stans just jump on you because apparently you are not allowed to voice your POV)
  • People assume you are an anti because of the above, even though you give a logical explanation of why you didn't like it - and do not understand the difference between constructive criticism vs. outright bashing for no reason
  • On the contrary, people inflating ratings because so-and-so looks hot despite their mediocre acting skills; more so when people create multiple accounts just to do this.
  • People adding titles that are not even close to pre-production. Just because someone had an "idea" - doesn't mean squat - especially if no confirmation from the production company. Therefore, you see so many "placeholders" and would lead you to believe that sometime within the next ten years, before you grow your next chin, that the project would even air. 
  • Titles that have been cancelled still appear on the site.

Titles that have been cancelled still appear on the site.

You can ask for a deletion here:


Titles that have been cancelled still appear on the site.

You can ask for a deletion here:

Can I also ask for titles that are exclusively pornographic to be  deleted? (I found JAV titles on here). 

 Tanky Toon:
I found JAV titles on here

Please PM me the link.... :P I just want to verify if it's genuine

 Tanky Toon:

Can I also ask for titles that are exclusively pornographic to be  deleted? (I found JAV titles on here). 

Yes, email any that you find to [email protected] along with any proof that it is pornography.


People who 10/10 something just because it's got their fav in it

People who rate anything they enjoy 10 as if 7-9.5 don't exist

- when people gotta insult/put down others just because they didn't like their favourite show (I've had 2 snarky replies at me from random HP fanatics: one on DOTS page said "You should try It's Okay To Not Be Okay and Hospital Playlist.. If you don't like both, sorry the problem is you lol" WTF ಠ_ಠ The second line was just rude/completely unnecessary if they actually wanted to recommend something (who's the idiot who upvoted their comment? Probably themselves or a fan of those shows). The second one on HP page was "I guess you're missing out." even though I was replying to someone else that I tried 8 eps (which was already considered generous when I could've dropped it at the 1st ep) the show was too repetitive/boring for me all eps felt the same for me it didn't feel like I was missing out on much if I missed one. 

- when people come to a drama comment section just to talk smack about the drama/saying they dropped it meanwhile at the same time bragging about their own favourite drama telling people to watch their favourite drama instead. I saw 2 people advertising Start-up and Kairos 2 months ago on The Penthouse page, someone saying it's a copy of SKY Castle, "watch Start-up loved it" or "For those watching Penthouse instead of Kairos yall are missing out" Then there was a more recent one someone saying The Penthouse is "nonsense"/crap then tells us to watch Flower of Evil instead. Dude, with that kind of attitude what makes you think we're gonna listen to you and watch your show instead LMAO. There used to be another user who spammed about DDSSLS on several drama pages too, like they rated Tale of the Nine-tailed 1/10 but still shamelessly advertised DDSSLS there ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)  

like "Y'all hop on the DDSSLS bandwagon" *cringe* no thanks I'm done with hyped dramas, got tired of following the hype train of so many popular highly rated dramas since 2019 - end up feeling disappointed/bored, meanwhile liking some low rated unknown shows more. 

@sunset  hahhaa that's  quite detailed. 

 Tanky Toon:

@sunset  hahhaa that's  quite detailed. 

it's been bugging me for a while now, but I got to rant here thanks to your thread lol 

Did you notice the blue text on my post where it says "recent one" you can click on that to see the original comment, those are the types of comments that annoy me.. People can say what they don't like about a show but why need to brag about another one that's not even remotely the same genre/got nothing to contribute to the drama discussion as if we don't know what shows are already popular/hyped on MDL! 

BTW your profile description of "Likes/dislikes" is pretty funny xD