I'm just watching ep 3 of Royal Secret Agent. As a mother of 3 children I was strike by how unrealistic the scene of the labor in this drama was. I had an impression that creators didn't even try to pretend to be real. I started to think about it and tried to remember how childbirth had been portrayed in the dramas I've seen so far. I wonder what your thoughts on this are.  Have you ever seen childbirth in a drama, that wasn't schematic, looked authentic, or was presented in a way that you liked?

Havent seen the deama you mentioned, but I do remember the childbirth scene in Reply1997.



Havent seen the deama you mentioned, but I do remember the childbirth scene in Reply1997.


Yeah, this one was fun and quite realistic :P

I just finished watching Bromance and in the show a woman on a bus gives birth in what feels like 30 seconds. She was just sitting around acting normal then all of a sudden contractions start and I guess she's fully dilated because she can't be moved from the bus and has to give birth on the nasty floor. 

It's been a while but I specifically remember in Fated to Love You (TW) three women go in to labor at exactly the same time and again deliver just really quickly, I'm pretty sure it's outside in a park.

To be fair these are comedy dramas, they aren't going for ultra realistic in anything, but its just crazy how FAST everything happens.

You might like Birthcare Center. I can't speak from experience but it does seem way more realistic than what is mentioned here. xD The lead was in labor for 24 hours if I remember correctly. 

Although most of you might not have seen, there is a malayalam (an Indian language) movie called 'Kalimannu' (meaning clay') about a woman who wants to conceive a baby from her brain dead husband. The actress who played the mother was actually pregnant at that time and shot the film throughout the pregnancy and even included her actual childbirth for the movie.