As said above. I'll start! I went to Japan last month for 10 days. The story behind is that me and my cousin, who is the same age as me (20) have both watched anime for over a year. He got me into anime and then a year later, I discovered J-drama and I got him into that. We were always talking about going to Japan but we never said it seriously. One day, I was round his house and I just turned to him and said, we should go to Japan for real. It literally happened like that. A couple of days later, we booked the flight and hotel. Anime isn't the only reason we went, we also wanted to learn more about the culture, what Japan is really like and to visit the major attractions. We stayed in Tokyo and Kyoto so we saw a lot of things. We learnt a lot by going and it really was a life experience. Hope to go again really soon! Over to you!
~ Just how much did it cost? I've loved Japan/japanese culture since fourth grade. I've desired to go there ever since. I'm really into anime, manga, J-drama, J-rock etc. besides that, I really like the language and I want to experience different things like going to a tea-ceremony, Tokyo tower, Akihabara, Shibuya - and, there is this really awesome Boys Love Hig School-cafe I would kill to try - etc. My niisan is also into anime, we've talked about going to Japan in a few years.
i watched anime since i was kid but didnt know anything about where they came from or that they were anime. i thought cartoons were all cartoons. as i got older i got wiser and more into anime. then in december of 2009 i discovered oguri shun in tokyo dogs and there began my obsession with japanese dramas, hot japanese men, jpop/rock and japanese culture in general. in 2010 a friend who worked in japan came home for vacation and upon hearing about my obsession told me to apply for his company. i did so immediately. got a job as an ALT but deferred starting due to the tohoku earthquake/tsunami and financial constraints. i officially landed on japanese soil in march 2012. i have been working and living in saga prefecture, kyushu since then. it's a beautiful place. my japanese sucks but i get by.