Does anyone else think it's stupid when you see the actors wearing long sleeves, Jean jackets, sweaters, sweaters over shirts, suit jackets, vest over long sleeved shirts or over sweaters, winter coats and other cold weather wear during summer in Thai dramas or is it just me?

In most asian countries being under the sun is a no for people lol, I think thats why they hide their skin because they don't want to get tanned :)

 Regina Yellowbird:
cold weather wear during summer in Thai dramas or is it just me?

It sure makes me question my tolerance for heat! I wear practically nothing in the summer, and am burning up. They are wearing heavy clothing in Bangkok. 

I get the covering up, I am very fair skinned, I burn in minutes. I always have to cover up, or wear a large hat. But the winter gear in some of these dramas is a bit silly looking to me.