Not sure about anyone else but my favourite scene isn't the awkward kiss scene (although I Loved their reactions to it). But it's the pillow scene....I never thought I'd laughed and enjoyed a PPL scene so much before. I gotta give props to this drama for knowing how to write in a PPL scene that isn't obvious and doesn't annoy viewers. Hyun and JiAn's reactions were priceless!! :'D
kdrama noob here: can anyone explain what a PPL scene is?  Or what this "pillow scene" is you're talking about?

If it's the scene right after the awkward kiss then, yeah, I about laughed my head off.  When she brought up having a descendant and then, in her own mind, thought "Why am I bringing that up!? Why even HAVE a descendant at this point!?"  God that was so hilarious.