If you want to contribute to the subbing of this drama, here you can do it, yay! 

We made a google sheet which everyone can edit (and read). We start out with everything being google translated, highlighted in yellow, if you edit a line, it turns white (whee). Indicating that this line has been overviewed by an actual human :DD
If you want credit for your imput, there is an extra column where you can put your name, if you don't wanna, leave it blank, if yes, go for it. You can also suggest edits by leaving comments on other ppls translations.
Click here to get to the google sheet

You can leave comments
and chose what EP to translate (or just read). Old EPs that are already subbed on YT or finished/uploaded get closed to edit so no one accidentially spents time on them :3

Current subbers and editors: @Chansie , @yilongcat , @Shelly1323 , @blingelingeling , @zhijun , @chimchim (You are contributing but missing on the list? That is not on purpose! Plz comment so you are added<3)



Is that you signing  up for this or just :))


If you can pull the hardsubs on a document, I can work with that. I don't really know Chinese but I translated on my own a Drama I really wanted to see. ... It is on youtube right now.: Xiang Long.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUfmRp9OKq0

signing up :"D

If you can pull the hardsubs on a document, I can work with that.

Hey you two, the document is up, you can check it out here :D Check out above for how to use it :3

Alright got it! Thank you! 


Alright got it! Thank you! 

Looking forward to it<3 You can just plaster over any of my subs (named Jen), at this time I just try to be better than google translate and make it better understandable :3

Thank you so much for this ,, waiting for the subs is torture and the channel just teased us and left us hanging

Unfortunately I don't know chainese ,, If I did I would participate 

I think it is done. Just have to clean it up abit! You can add the other episodes' chinese subs in when you are ready :D


I think it is done. Just have to clean it up abit! You can add the other episodes' chinese subs in when you are ready :D

please when you add the sub 

post the link with the sub srt file or the video that has the sub on it 

thank you so much appreciated your hard work

currently editing some grammatical errors !!!

Thank You so much again for doing this...I was going crazy wondering if this would ever get subbed. Thanks like a ton. I know like 0 chinese or I would have tried to help....


currently editing some grammatical errors !!!

Thank you really ,, this is amazing  How fans can help each other understand good dramas 

Oh my ghad, yall this is looking so good and went so fast! And with the editing at the end it is looking sooo good now! I am over the moon, just wow!
I am currently making it to proper subs and then write another post on how to use the subs. I have already seen that there is a Chrome extention that lets you upload your own subs to Youtube which the extension just puts over the Youtube video! (normally you have to ask permission from the YT channel to upload subs there which ofc in our case, MangoTV wouldn't allow)
If that works, that would be amazing bc it wouldnt even be illegal and our stuff wouldn't get deleted either <3

EP02 is also half cleaned up and will soon be uploaded to the sheet.
I kinda wanna group us all together so I can quickly sent everyone a notification for when the new EPs are up. Maybe leave a comment and I can add your name to the list to be notified? :3
So far we have @Chansie, @yilongcat and @Shelly1323  but I think I have seen someone else edit, too (it's all without a name so maybe someone just had two tabs open XDD)