the title explains itself

i enjoyed HPL more tbh, i liked how the characters were mature and especially loved the FL

Brooo I was just thinking about this!! Her Private Life for me. It was less cliche than What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim, so the plot is more interesting. Secretary Kim does the kdrama tropes really well though so it’s not a bad thing. I think the leads have more chemistry in HPL, sparks are flying between them!! I bought into the romance more in HPL, not just because of the chemistry but also because the setup and progression of the romance was more believable to me. The CEO in Secretary Kim is a little too narcissistic and I didn’t enjoy how he treated her in the beginning, so it was a bit of a stretch for me to believe that she’d develop romantic feelings for him. Whereas in HPL they bicker a bit early on but it’s very brief, then they develop a mutual respect very quickly before progressing to romantic feelings. The whole fake relationship thing is also a great way to have the leads be forced to spend time together. The humor was good in both, Secretary Kim might be a bit more funny because of Park Seo Joon’s character. He is so over the top! So yeah, I like HPL more because I liked the romance and the story more, while Secretary Kim was also good but weighed down by some plot aspects and the romance was a bit harder for me to buy. 

I looooove HPL more. 

I really don't like the "comic" style acting of PSJ and PMY in WWWSK. It was just too over the top for me. Story wide also, HPL was also the light amount of everything. It was cute and it was a mature take on rom coms.

Her Private Life for story. If you want to just be purely entertained, go for WWWSK. If you love either leads in WWWSK, go for it, you'll enjoy it. But content wise, have HPL.

Her private life for sure, I was starting watching WWWSK and I just couldn't watch it bc it was too cliché for me so I dropped it. In HPL, the story's much more interesting and there are some funny moments. But I'm not gonna lie, at the end of the drama, things kinda got boring.

HPL definitely. I find it has a more mature story line  and character development. The suspense was also also kept better than in WWWSK.. Love the humour in HPL and the vibes of KJW too.

WWWSK for me. It is cheesy but self-aware, it nicely subverts some cliché developments (no big misunderstandings, nice ML's family...). Shame about the boring second half, but the first half is extremely entertaining and rewatchable for me. I laughed out loud many times.

I preferred Park Min Young with Kim Jae Wook in Her Private Life though. HPL had a better couple dynamics, the mature tone was very welcome.
Unfortunately, HPL was boring for me, I struggled to get through it, and the certain plot developments were just straight dumb. I didn't laugh while watching HPL either. WWWSK's plotline wasn't strong, but it was there, HPL's plotline was nearly non-existent.

I gave WWWSK 8.5 stars and HPL 7.5 stars.

I rated Her Private Life a 10 and WWWSK an 8. 

For me, Her Private Life is solid. From the story, directing, acting, chemistry, to the behind the scenes. I enjoy everything. Their love story is mature and no cliche. The building of the plot, the past story, and their future feel so close like a real life situation. 

Unfortunately, HPL was boring for me, I struggled to get through it, and the certain plot developments were just straight dumb. I didn't laugh while watching HPL either. WWWSK's plotline wasn't strong, but it was there, HPL's plotline was nearly non-existent.

same... I wanted to like HPL 'cause of Kim Jae Wook but the plot was meh? WWWSK's comedy, side couples and instrumental BGM was more memorable for me. I didn't think it was boring though. It was my first time watching Park Seo Joon, thought he was funny and I fell in love with his character xD

I stumbled onto HPL after being forced to drop WWWSK and I'm sooooo glad I did. It completely erased the bad taste WWWSK left behind and I enjoyed myself while watching it. HPL all the way.

Haven't seen Kim yet, but HPL has part of my heart and always will. As a fan girl myself (not as intense as the show portrays but close enough),  I love Ryan so much and how he is completely behind Deok mi and her fan girl self and loves her for who she is and doesn't try to change her. He is an amazing ML and Deok mi is a refreshing sweet, strong independent FL. I love HPL so much and I'm sure Kim is good, too, but I think even once I watch that, HPL will still come out on top.