Hey and welcome to MDL ! It's really cool that you can speak Japanese and Korean WOW ! Also Chinese OMG Those are the languages I'm dying to learn honestly xD
blueaoichan wrote: Hey and welcome to MDL !
It's really cool that you can speak Japanese and Korean WOW !
Also Chinese OMG
Those are the languages I'm dying to learn honestly xD

thanks for the welcome! AHA I am not as fluent as I want to be but I keep studying~
If you ever want to practice feel free to message me!
It's a good thing that you'll be moving to Japan. Language learning is WAY easier if you actually have the need to use it. :)
Judo_Aniki wrote: It's a good thing that you'll be moving to Japan. Language learning is WAY easier if you actually have the need to use it. :)
while this is very true, it should be pointed out that if you create a need in your community to speak it you will find it useful, me and my friends use Japanese back home for fun to speak to one another at school for example. Also I am not moving to Japan haha where did you hear that? Or was it a typo :x
That is one big confusion on my part. :P Sorry. What you said also makes perfect sense. I have no problems with English because we use it as a secondary language in the Philippines. When I moved to the U.S. most thought that I am a native English speaker. I do have to study the accents though. That is something that they don't teach in schools.
Judo_Aniki wrote: That is one big confusion on my part. :P Sorry.

What you said also makes perfect sense. I have no problems with English because we use it as a secondary language in the Philippines. When I moved to the U.S. most thought that I am a native English speaker. I do have to study the accents though. That is something that they don't teach in schools.
No worries!~
Accent to me, is not such a big deal I mean obviously if someone can not understand you then its an issue in that situation but other than that I see no problems, however this is not a general conception as I am sure you know ahah
which English accent do you like the most? Just out of curiosity haah
I spent much of my time in New York since we have families and relatives there. I also studied the New York accent due to necessity. I want people here to understand me more. Hahaha. Typical new immigrant mentality I guess? How about you?
Judo_Aniki wrote: I spent much of my time in New York since we have families and relatives there. I also studied the New York accent due to necessity. I want people here to understand me more. Hahaha. Typical new immigrant mentality I guess?

How about you?
oh very interesting yeah I would say its a common idea for sure ahah but is not a bad thing either~
hmm.... I don't really have one haha but I like the British accent overall haha
I don't use the brit accent but I type "specially" as "especially" lol British English is classy :)
haha I find it rather posh to use it ;D
Hi there! Fingers crossed for learning Chinese, I'm learning too. First step, Mandarin. I hope later I'll have possibility to learn dialects like Canto or Hokkien.
Welcome to MDL. Have lots of fun :)