My name is Dahlia, I'm a 20 year old native English speaker of South Asian/North-east African descent. I currently reside in Australia. I started watching dramas (in particular k-dramas) around mid last year. The first drama I watched was was My Name is Kim Sam Soon, which was far from perfect but it was my gateway to the world of dramas and so I at least appreciate it from that aspect! Since then I've completed 17 dramas, given up on 4, attempted 16 and am currently watching 5! I either watch a drama within 3 days or 3 months. There's never really an in-between for me. It's very common for me to hit a plateau stage with dramas. It's usually because I've lost interest or I just don't care as to how it ends. However, I usually go back to finish it off, if only for the satisfaction of saying I completed it lol. My favourites list is pretty small at the moment, and that's due to the tiny number of dramas I've watched (my to-watch list is almost at 100, lord!) and also because so few dramas have been satisfying to me on every level. My list so far includes: -Coffee Prince -Cruel City -I Hear Your Voice -Queen In Hyun's Man -Reply 1997 I am currently very k-drama oriented but I will eventually make an effort to branch out into j/c/t-dramas so please feel free to recommend your favourites to me! I also really love to discuss dramas and fawn over pretty people so please don't be shy and say hello! I'm sure we'll be great friends :)
Hello and Welcome! Have fun here!
Hello! Thank you :)
shaz22 wrote: Hello and Welcome!
Have fun here!

Hello! Thank you very much :) I'm sure I will.
Betty_Boop wrote: Welcome :D

Thank you ^_^!!
Blue_Moon wrote: welcome to MDL :)

Thank you :)!!
mogwaid wrote: Welcome! :)

Thank you : ))
Hello and welcome! I'd like to recommend a couple non k-dramas. You should take a look at MARS, Liar Game, and Love Shuffle. They're some of my favorites! Oh! Have you tried any korean variety shows?
I actually want to try MARS just because of Barbie and Vic but I still can't summon the motivation to watch all 20 episodes.
Judo_Aniki wrote: Welcome aboard!

Thank you very much =^_^=
Hello! Thank you : ) I added all of your recs to my to-watch list!! I'm super excited to watch them as I haven't really seen many non-kdramas. As for variety shows, I watched a bunch of episodes of We Got Married season 4 and I really liked it. Korea's couple culture is really interesting tbh. If you have any recs for variety shows I'd love to know them! I know Running Man is a really popular one but I don't know where to begin with that since it's almost 200 eps long x_x