Helloo~ I'm Sophia~ I'm 15. I hope i can find friends here. ^^
-First drama I ever watched was Meteor Garden and Wonderful Life. [but I was VERY young during that time(2005-2006) so I'm planning to watch it again]
I stopped watching dramas in 2009. I started watching again in late 2011. I'm rewatching(?) most of the dramas i watched because i didn't understand the stories before. (I was like around 8-10.)

And If you're wondering how I watched the dramas, It aired in my country and I joined my sisters and our maids while they were watching it. ^^
Hi Sophia. WElcome to MDL. I hope you have an awesome time on here :D
Alo alo and welcome :D
Hellooo ,Hahahiii and Welwelwelcome to MDL world, have so much fun and enjoy as much u can (^_^).