Asahi, Hikari, Haru and Tadashi are siblings that all live together in the house they grew up in located in Shitamachi. There is another brother, Satoru, but due to something that had happened in the past, he had moved out. Their parents had died when they were young, and Asahi, being the eldest, is the one who had taken care of them all. Asahi is a conservative, stubborn man, and his favorite phrase to his siblings is, "I am the one who had brought you all up", which irritates them no end.

Asahi works at a construction site and goes to a shop daily to buy lunch, where he meets the shop's cute employee, Sawabe Asuza.
Hikari works as a nurse in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the hospital, together with the family friend who used to live nearby, Dr. Shinjo Masaomi.
Haru doesn't like to study, and prefers to tread the boards instead. As the head of his performing troupe, he is a temperamental man who fusses over the troupe members.
Tadashi is currently under suspension from school, so in order to not fall back on his studies, he is currently attending a prep school daily. At the prep school, he is drawn to another fellow student, Nagihara Kasumi.
As for Satoru, one day, in her workclothes and smoking a cigarette, Yashiro Takako suddenly calls out to him, "you killed your mother, didn't you?"...

Five siblings, each with their own problems, soon find themselves in various situations, living life as a youth of today.

Tsumabuki Satoshi as Sato Asahi
Eita as Sato Satoru
Mitsushima Hikari as Sato Hikari
Emoto Tasuku as Sato Haru
Nomura Shuhei as Sato Tadashi
Aoi Yu as Sawabe Asuza
Nagasawa Masami as Yashiro Takako
Hashimoto Ai as Nagahara Kasumi
Yoshioka Hidetaka as Shinjo Masaomi
Credit: D-addicts

I must say that after the first episode I was certainly interested. I like the all-star cast, and it seemed to be something a little different from the detective dramas, medical dramas and idol/Johnny's dramas that come out every season. I have seen the first episode so far and am going to watch the second one later on today. I am looking forward to seeing Eita play an asshole. This year has been rough for me with currently airing J-dramas but this one caught my interest from the start. Since it's airing on DramaFever we can have a weekly discussion, yay!
Great cast for sure and maybe the strongest drama of the season. i've watched the two first episodes, and though i found it too realistic at first, i'm growing liking the characters, who, for once, are not manichean. hope it's going to be available on GD for those who can't see on DF, i don't like to wait for months after the end of a serie hypothetical subs for the last episodes...
This is absolutely one of my top anticipations of the season. The cast is too stunning to resist and the start is pretty promising. I have high hopes for this one.
No more comments? Either the drama is bad or lately the forum's dead?
I had the same thought last night! But, last night was the first time I tried to access the forum in a long time; last time I tried before  it wasn't possible. It looks like whatever was wrong has been fixed, and it got a new layout in the process! :)

I've watched up to episode 6, and  think the drama is far from bad! But, I don't know how to explain it. It is very interesting. The beginning of each episode makes me feel kind of "meh" but before long I'm sucked in, and the thing is, I feel like I really care about these characters. I think this is really well done in every way. (But some of the themes are painful for me personally.)

I'm sorry my thoughts aren't more interesting. ;)
the first episode was strong enough to make me wonder if the drama will keep that pace, I hope not, as that would be too heavy. I'm impressed after the only one, but see some people dropping it, so I wonder what's the case is the cast is actually great, and the theme seems to be quite familiar.
Yeah, it does more or less keep that pace. I don't know why people drop it, maybe they aren't interested in the story, or maybe they were expecting something different, something lighter and funnier perhaps?

Something I like is how the second brother's character develops. At first I was like "eh, what's wrong with him?!" but now I like him. :)
Yeah, the second brother is really interesting. True that the oldest has a funny way of being but that can be well understand because of his position, but the rest after all is not that.. how to say it.. extreme. (I'm at ep 6)
I've only seen parts but really...why does the big brother ( I think) screams so much? -_- Drives me crazy.
why is there so few comments ...

personally this was one of the best j dramas of that yr
it dealt with the real life problems that are faced by young ppl n the actin n bondin betwn the characters were awesome
it was not like dreamy or fantasy but very realistic (not if totally) n did lacked in  music ..  but still it is one of a great family drama

I was really surprise at how much I loved this series, as in I gave it a 10. There were so amny things it did right, and pretty much nothing it did wrong. The relationships between the characters were amazing and believable and the story was both heartbreaking and heartwarming. It also got e onto some amazing actors (such as Eita) as I was still pretty new to dramas when it aired, it proved to me why jdramas are some of the best television around.