In which the divorce is reversed & Madame Jin Learns the Truth

1.Hero is alone, his visage is that of a man in pain but he will march on all to protect his lady love...(and this viewer is pained, but for an entirely different reason)

Random: I acknowledge my sarcasm is at an all time high, but I can't understand how this show manages to not execute such a basic plot device well--it just feels so wooden and the male lead's acting seems to be very exaggerated, as is the female lead's submissiveness--'I was never good enough' just seems to be so anti her character--she isn't fighting, she's just passively leaving--but love does make us all fools, they say....)

2.Housekeeper has a heated confrontation with his sister who calls him out for his plotting--it seems he wants to take the place of our hero, housekeeper slaps her and explains that it was for their family...his argument for his motivations is well executed.  I feel pity for her, now she is stuck between the man she loves and the family she loves and her conniving brother.  Quian Quian seems to be suffering the most out of everyone.  

3....bad music plays as the hero with no emotion watches his ex-wife leave--and cruelly has them close the doors on our poor leading lady who just stands there trying to hold it together (I personally wish she looked a little more stunned like 'is this actually happening?') everyone cries in the one seems to be happy in this episode but housekeeper...

4.Our heroine must be so thoroughly in love with this guy because she isn't angry, she can only say over and over again 'he doesn't want me anymore...' unexpectedly Dr Love is the most angry, spills the truth behind our hero's reasons for divorcing her, and confirms what we all know--that he knows the truth of her identity ...the actress's face is extremely calm as she hears this (I expected her eyes to get wide eyed and her to be like 'what did you say? can you repeat that'?'

5.our leading lady runs back all the way instead of turning the carriage around, and in slow motion too, and instead of drowning his sorrows in alcohol like many men our hero, who is a step above the rest, does the next best thing that he can think of and plays the zither, and she shows up and they just stare at each other, and she is happy, because she knows he doesn't hate her, there is more yelling by the hero but its empty yelling, and then she cheerfully hugs him (i think she should have angrily hit him with her hands and called him stupid a few times and talked about how they do promised to be together, maybe in the rain even, and done some messy crying before throwing her arms around him and making out) she let it go very easily--we got a long kiss--divorce is now off it seems

6.Poor Madame Jin has to deal with the ups and downs of their relationship...i sympathize with her..she scolds them but doesn't seem to be very angry

7. Will not comment on the cringe worthy 'lala everything is fine now' scenes that follow

8.Some underling of Housekeeper creeps in broad daylight--I don't know how they can't notice him--and reports that they are back together to housekeeper who is eerily calm...can't wait for him to snap...i have a feeling he is going to lose his mind later...his negative comments are on the rise I assume as is his frustration that our hero seems to get everything...they plot to ruin the relationship between mom/son

9.Housekeeper and our leading lady have a pretty moonlight conversation--at this point I find it a little off that no one has really addressed their closeness, but given how communication is one of the central conflicts in this show, then maybe that is why--anyone with eyes can see he likes her

10....poor housekeeper listens to her tell him that no force can tell them apart...I am certain he is thinking 'you just wait' (yup, i said it)

11.Madame Jin overhears the was such a silly way of finding out since she hasn't been wandering around at night at all but all of sudden she does?  This show does that a lot-inconsistent--  And all of a sudden our characters are not being careful regarding this secret that could meant their deaths?  *sigh*

12.Now that she knows Madame Jin is rightfully angry since this has endangered the lives of her entire family...

I give this episode a 6.8 because it had all the makings of something great...and was poorly executed.  At this point I can't keep blaming the writers; the actors are responsible as well.  I don't think I am being biased either.  Or maybe I am...I just find it weird that some episodes deliver but most don't.  I have never watched a drama as inconsistent as this.  I liked housekeeper the most in this show, and I feel bad for Quian Quian who is sort of treated like a forgotten comb or something.  Her plot line could have been developed more, I think.