I second behind  your smile. It was pretty good

As you said it could be thai,I'll throw in Kleun Cheewit. It has good acting and chemistry. It's pretty intense though..


A recent one, Money Flower

This is it. Fits the description perfectly. I just finished it yesterday and it was awesome.


Sealed with a Kiss,  Viki, about 4 yrs ago, but Viki has since removed a lot of content.

On SWAK's MDL page , there's a DailyMotion link....   Also, a YouTube link of raw vids, subtitles from Subscene.

NOTE:  This is not a typical drama of a cold  jerk w/ a heart of gold , he's worse than the leads listed above.

Here's a better synopsis:  http://jolecole.blogspot.com.eg/2011/11/c-drama-sealed-with-kiss.html?m=1

i am download raw video sealed with a kiss in youtube, but do not match the subtitle in subscene.

where i can get video matching with subtitle in subscene?
