I am looking for some long running/ and dailies 50+ eps. But something that is more fluffy/light hearted story line over dark, twisted and conniving melo plot lines.
For example something lighter but may with some dramatic conflicts. For example: Love on a Rooftop, You are my destiny, A daughter just like you, Glorious Day, Rascal sons, Creating Destiny.  I enjoy the ones with a strong, and cheerful female lead who does not easily get discouraged. Thanks
You should try Smile, you. I loved how the main couple never really had a fight or broke up with each other after finally dating.
They trusted each other and even though their families were against the relationship they never got discouraged.
I also really liked the female lead's personality.

You should also give What happens to my family? a try. The female lead is freaking awesome. Why?
Because well for example, do you know this scenes in kdrama where the rich male's lead mother says stuff like "Stay away from my son, you are this and that bla bla bla"
Most of the time the female lead gets all shaky or starts crying afterwards. But Nope. The female lead in WHTMF f*cking roosted the second lead's mother with a poker face on hahaha. It's really rare seeing her cry she is most of the time cheerful.
Just watch this show you will laugh so much.

Another thumbs up for smile, you. loved it all and made me a total fan of Jung Kyung Ho - 45 episodes

You're the best lee soon shin - 50 episodes
Sweet Sweet Bodyguard (chinese) - 82 episodes
Ojakgyo Brothers (58 eps)!  Has lots of funny and warm moments to balance the sad parts, and definitely has a plucky sort of female lead who has to overcome lots of obstacles, but does it mostly cheerfully.  And not annoying. :)
Literally almost every japanese asadora fits the bill :)
Currently airing: Hiyokko

Here's a full list of all the asadora to date, not all of them are subbed though.
Smile, You (korean, 45 episodes)
Five Children (korean, 54 episodes)
Better Man (taiwanese, 60 episodes) 
Smile, You (2009)
Ojakgyo Brothers (2011)
Unexpected You (2012)

All are korean drama~
thanks guys!! I started a couple of these and will check out the others. I love the slow build to romance over like 50 eps lol
Pure in heart

Daughters just like you