Suggest me good drama with an ML with a woman on his side. It doesn't have to be romantic. I prefer like :

-right hand woman

-more like a companion who cares alot,

- someone who fights along with the ML if it's action or fantasy

-maybe an assistant or maid 

If there's a romance,  i prefer it would develop later on the story but not really the main focus. I just want that kind of companionship vibe rather than relationship. 

I would suggest the King's Avatar. It's pro gaming themed. There's a ML and FL with a close bond and the FL is always by the ML's side helping him. It has a really good plot overall and I would definitely recommend it.

  • Stranger
  • Ever night
  • Liar Game
  • Dr.Qin Medical Examineer

Healer - The ML is a man-for-hire with a secret identity (code name Healer). Jo Min Ja is a reclusive, middle aged hacker who works with him. She's one of only two people who know his real identity, where he lives, etc. and is always "by his side", but always virtually. She's not a romantic interest and also not an assistant or a mother figure, but she definitely cares about him even though she sort of tries to mask it with gruffness most of the time. She's part colleague / teammate, part surrogate quirky aunt / guardian.

Serenade of Peaceful Joy

Love Me If You Dare (don't mind the title, romance is not the main focus and it comes in the second half of the drama!) BTW, it fulfils all your requirements so... She is sort of his assistant, and they resolve crime together with a lot of action and all that stuff!

The great Seducer maybe


I would suggest the King's Avatar. It's pro gaming themed. There's a ML and FL with a close bond and the FL is always by the ML's side helping him. It has a really good plot overall and I would definitely recommend it.

i considered watching it although it took me time, i finished it and i wasn't disappointed. it was goood thank you for recommending it. i hope for s2