
i think once dal mi finds the truth, she will have a out of reality moment where we'll just see her having time to herself, to figure out what she really believes in and what she's truly fighting for. she's the most mature of the crew, and she has withstood 10 years of a one-sided crush, for heavens sake! and now everything is even messier with the grandma asking do san to not reveal her coming loss of sight... imagine if they reveal all the blows at once..... but, part of me believes the writers will have her love do san nevertheless, because he is becoming more to her than the memories she has (which are ji pyung anyway). 

 what i really am curious is what they're doing with ji pyung's character... i cannot figure out what he is truly feeling or what will happen to his character... do you all think he'll somewhat be involved with revealing the mysterious identity of the sandbox contestant?????

The only thing is i hope he confesses the truth before she finds out by herself, 

and I hope it's fast so we can focus on other things, also I feel like by the next episodes ji pyung is probably going to start really liking dal mi and he'll become aware of it, who do i feel like something might happen between him and in jae, she's main after all.

also do san's character is definitely going to be stronger as episodes progress.


Only 6 ep. have aired when I'm writing this. I really don't know if I can continue watching this drama. I did not know when I first started watching it, that Kim Seon Ho was not the male lead. I really thought he was and he goes so well with Suzy in this whole series. It's hard not to think of him as the lead.

 The drama starts off with him and the connection between him and Suzy. How the AI says that his fortune that day was "you'll meet someone today that you had a brief encounter with before. It may seem like a gentle breeze at first but it will turn out to be a storm in your life".  The story keeps revolving around how he and Suzy have a history together and how much she's infatuated with his self. The story is more focused on them and their encounters and Nam Ju Hyuk has little to no character that seems like a male lead. 

Nam Ju Hyuk seems to be a side character. He has no connection to Suzy and suddenly starts developing feelings for her when he's asked to stand in for Seon Ho. From all angles he seems like a 3rd wheel in their story. I like the actor personally but in the story he's depicted in a very uncool, slippy and desperate way, also he's clingy af. He seems to have no character that makes him a male lead and I find it hard to watch it continue when Suzy thinks Nam Ju Hyuk is actually the person who she wrote to in her childhood (which was actually Seon Ho). 

I didn't think Nam Ju Hyuk was actually the lead and was really enjoying the series and was oblivious to it until it was pointed out to me exactly an hour ago. I've been trying to find a store which tells me otherwise too. And that's how I ended up here and I made this account to rant. And to try and let others convince me so that I can continue watching this drama. Coz I empathize with Seon Ho so much and it really hurts to see him be let down and I can't continue a story where I know he'll be let down. 

Please tell me it's the other way around, that would help.


I think you need to separate the actors from the characters a bit. You see, the goal of the acting is to make you forget that Nam Joo Hyuk and Kim Seon Ho exsist. Instead you have Nam Do San and Han Ji Pyeong. They're both complex characters. And there's Dal Mi too. This drama mostly revolves around her. She's the key. 

Focus on the story. The romance isn't everything the drama has to offer. I think its other aspects are worth appreciating too.

And of course, none of the viewers here can really tell you for sure what will happen, or who's going to and up with whom. We're all just speculating and theorising. 

As to Do San's character, of course he's a fool. The drama itself says so. But there's something called character development. I think you should wait for it. 

He seems to have no character that makes him a male lead and I find it hard to watch it continue when Suzy thinks Nam Ju Hyuk is actually the person who she wrote to in her childhood (which was actually Seon Ho). 

I partly agree with you on this point, though. But on the other hand, it's been more than 10 years since they exchanged any letters. People change. What's more, people are different when they write than they are in real life, and up to now, there has been no evidence to suggest to Dal Mi that Nam Do San isn't the Do San of her letters (think confirmation bias here). She wouldn't be looking for reasons for him not to be that person. She wants him to be the person from the letters, and she has no reason to believe otherwise. She trusts him too. 

There's also something Do San has that Ji Pyeong doesn't. Do San loves Dal Mi. He knows it. He doesn't deny it in the least. He's always on her side. No matter what. 


I agree with what you're saying. And I meant the characters when I said their names. I am totally looking at this objectively. I just feel like there's more romance between HJP and SDM than with NDS( not directly but figuratively). There's so much suspense with him helping her, for the grandmother, like a guardian angel and being a character that she's actually seeing in NDS. It would be a much better fit than the NDS is all I meant to convey. I'm sure with the way the drama is going SDM will realise that she didn't like NDS for the past letters but for himself and his quirks. With just 6 episodes, half of which started out and focused on HJP and his life, to find out that it's going to turn out differently blew my mind basically. I might drop it coz I just can't get the image of NDS being a mushy, desperate, uncool and clingy character out of my head. I'm sure people find it cute and stuff but it seems like HJP would be a much better romantic fit. She even picks HJP as the mentor and seems to have much better chemistry with him. 


I don't think you watch much drama. You can't say the main lead a third wheel because you like second male lead who seems to look like ML at first. If you really biased with JP being perfect so he should be the male lead instead of DS then this is definitely cliché drama thoughts and this is not the drama for you. DS being lead later on is somewhat unique otherwise not i'm not the actor's fan but only this concept got me into this drama. The one you said to be perfect is in fact a falsifier whole life before this and he lost his chance. If you want handsome CEO as a lead and that Third wheel as SL then Start-Up would never been Start-Up first place ,it would be a different drama cause this drama living on this concept. Biasness won't justify a character as lead and other one to be side character or third wheel or whatever cause  those things you said all based on emotion and not at all are facts. 


Again, I'm not biased with anyone. I'm seeing things objectively as much as I can. I'm saying it's much more enjoyable as a story with JP as lead. I get the start up part and the meaning of the title and the way it's going towards. Thank you for pointing it out, because somehow it totally slipped my mind as to what the story was about. I was only thinking of the romance. But, like I said, with the romance, I'm just not good with the characters is all I'm saying. I'm not using bias to justify a character, I'm justifying it based on the characters' quirks and behaviour. 

PS: anyone else who keeps saying I'm biased, I've already said I'm not biased against the person but the character is much less pleasing with the female lead, please do not reply. I'm OCD about replying to a message and I really don't want to repeat myself. It is a drag.

ughh I want really want Han JiPyeong to end with DalMi, he's done so much for her AAA I just love him, he's so sweet and caring, and handsome and cool and everything. But I have no idea  with whom she will end. I don't know if the producers want to make it obvious since the beginning or whether they will surprise us with something else (I really hope for the latter).


yes, thats a very fair way of seeing things...... i think you're right!! it's a bit hard sometimes to separate romantic feelings from platonic love in this day and age.... and you're so on spot on dalmi wanting to find out the real reason jipyung did what he did, she wont rest until she has a clear answer, especially after knowing everything (literally the entire friends with do san plot too) was a lie!


hm i dont think theyll reveal the secret at least until the 11th episode... its one of the strongest plots rn.... and you're so on spot too!!! the fact they will have to see each other more often will definitely make jipyung self conscious of his actions and question where his feelings lay.... and omg that wouldn't actually be bad??? i think it would be somewhat fresh if injae got somewhat closer to jipyung through their 'bad side feelings' (injae's troubled relationship with dalmi and her mother, jipyung's rudeness that sometimes gets the best of him when he's trying to help others).... as in, they'd help one another dealing with those..... does it make sense?? 

and yes, dosan is getting sharper as the series progresses.... braver too!

okay but that kiss! Also Episode 7 was really good!

wow I must say I really love Wo in jae characters she's so damn strong and I think a lot of people misjudged her.  Also  I wait for her flashback story, maybe how she and her late father relationships? I bet it will be as beautiful as Dal mi's . 

On the other note we could see another love line in samsan tech its cute and I'm rooting for Yong san Jung sa ha hehe

 Maggie Shannon:

okay but that kiss! Also Episode 7 was really good!

ikr it was everything

I wasn't that fond of Episode 7 but Episode 8 has me squee-ing. I guess together I prefer 7-8 to 5-6. I'm glad they are moving fast on clearing the secrets up, there's enough conflict and interesting plot even without that. 

I guess my mood really does depend on how Ji Pyeong is feeling at any time. The cute smile he imagined for himself in the first scrunchie scenarios was so cute. And then when the reality was not the case it was hilarious. Do San's smarts are coming through as well. Them getting a win over Chairman Won was love. 

Okay so this has been my thought ever since the first episode between Do-San and Ji-Pyeong. 

Now let me just say say that I rather see Do-San with Dal-Mi. However, if it Ji-Pyeong and Dal-Mi, I will be totally fine with that too! Although, I do not think Dal-Mi and Ji-Pyeong would work great together. I say this because ever since the first episode he has a little attitude (I do not know how to explain this in another way) I think the attitude is suppose to make the viewers see that they are not the best fit... ALSO I believe Dal-Mi will pick the new "Do-San" just because how she has described him. 

I do hope for the best with Do-San and Ji-Pyeong and for who ever dose not get the girl I hope they end up happy at least. 

This show is just getting better and better.  These two episodes were great as usual, but man was that preview at the end of ep8 a killer. 

Aaaaaahhhh. When is next week coming around??!!??

ep 8 felt kinda flat for me.., in general the pace kinda slowed down after ep 4 when they got into sandbox, but the overarching story was set out so well it didn’t feel that much of a difference. But ep 8....? Felt totally like a bottle episode with just a bunch of filler scenes. for a couple reason tho:

1. Idk maybe it’s just me but this was the episode where I started finding Dal-mi lowkey annoying and fake... idk man, they just tried too hard to make her look like the “perfect quirky and kind girl” it felt kinda fake 🥴....(like esp in the scenes w the ML and SML- she acts so dumb it’s annoying)  but yo idk just a personal opinion.

2. The DalMi-JiPyeong scenes felt super forced??? Maybe it’s just me again cos I’m not a MinJi shipper... but it just felt super forced. Like trying to shove down your throat the fact that Ji Pyeong is actually a super sweet guy when just an episode earlier he was effing mean? Like make up your mind bruh! Also it’s lowkey creepy how he does so much intimate stuffs w her... like you’re just her mentor. Like as much as you knew her 15 years ago, your current rship w her is just as a mentor... I felt like they rushed to gave them scenes so it just felt super creepy and forced imo.

3. BRUH this has got to be the worse thing of this ep.... after the climatic kiss in ep7 they decided to give us.... NO FURTHER EXPLANATIONS? LIKE HELLO? are they dating? are they just friends but awkward to confess feelings? Are they just fwb? LOL what’s going on ?? @@ bitch ass really just said “I like your hands” after um..... 3 long kisses?? this ain’t America bruh, one small kiss in a kdrama means eeeeeverything, and bitch literally just went like “I like you for your hands” CRIIIIINGE. And also super anti-climatic?? Cos that was such a good kiss scene, now I feel like it meant absolutely nothing to them lol.

just overall a super useless episode. Feel like I could skip this ep and not miss anything out. There wasn’t any important detail neither any important character growth. Some saving grace was maybe the DoSan-Grandma interaction? That was wholeeeesomeee. And the In Jae helping out Dal Mi scene? That was sick. Wish In Jae will hv more screentime.

the preview for ep9 looks like it will pick up the pace again though, since it looks like the truth will finally come out. I hope they don’t make it anti climatic again. If not it’ll be suuuuper disappointing since so far it’s been pretty good, they cannot let the momentum die!!