In details page, under buy on amazon button, please add "custom search" to search the title in a different website like IMDB, TMDB, SIMKL, Youtube, Private tracker,  public tracker, streaming service of end user's choice or any source/website (search url). So please kindly add support for adding search urls as in SIMKL custom search. End users will add what ever search url they prefer for convenience. This way MDL will truly act as the ULTIMATE media destination for asian content!


I doubt that the admins will do this, but you can do it yourself if you know JavaScript.

To make it easier, I just wrote this script for you.  I added links for IMDb and Youtube, and you can modify the script if you want to add more.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         add links to mdl
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==

const addLink = (text, url) => document.querySelector('').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<div class="m-b-sm"><a target="_blank" class="btn btn-sm white btn-block" href="${url}"><i class="fab"></i>${text}</a></div>`);
const title = document.querySelector('.film-title a')?.innerHTML;
if (title) {
    addLink('IMDb', `${title}`);
    addLink('Youtube', `${title}`);

To use the script:

1. Install Tampermonkey in Chrome if you haven't already done so (it probably works in other browsers too, but I only tested it in Chrome).

2.  Open the Tampermonkey dashboard, and click the "+" button to create a new script.

3. Copy/paste the code above into the script, and press ctrl+s to save.

Then you can open any drama page on MDL and it should look like this:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! And THANK YOU!!!

You are a true legend!

This is an eye opener for many portals I guess....:)

I would be really grateful to you until the end of time...❤️ !