To: Mydramalist Moderators and respected drama lovers,

I , the undersigned, respectfully request that Mydramalist remove the "Age Gap [Real Life]" tag from the website.

I believe that this tag perpetuates harmful stereotypes and contributes to the normalization of relationships with significant age gaps. By labeling these relationships in a way that suggests they are based on real-life age differences, rather than a fictional device used in dramas, the tag reinforces the notion that such relationships are acceptable in real life.

I understand that Mydramalist is committed to providing an inclusive and healthy drama-watching experience for all users, and we believe that removing the "Age Gap [Real Life]" tag would contribute to this goal. I also acknowledge that age differences in relationships are a complex issue, and we believe that it is important to approach this topic with sensitivity and awareness of the potential harm that can be caused.

Therefore, I respectfully request that Mydramalist remove the "Age Gap [Real Life]" tag from the website. I believe that this will help to create a more welcoming and respectful environment for all users.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.



Yuanwei Volunteer Staff

Not sure who "we" is, but right now, I only see you ask for this tag to be removed. Please do not talk in the name of everyone but just your own. If there are users who agree with you, they can either vote for this or comment on this post with their own opinion.

But before they do, I am gonna first explain why the tag "Age Gap [Real Life]" was created in the first place along with "Age Gap [Drama Life]" so that the users have the whole picture. If you read the definitions for both, you will understand the first one is for the age difference between the main cast, and the second one is for the age difference between the main characters.

Before these two tags were created, we only had one tag called "Age Gap", which users started to use for both cases, but it turned out to be a mess, so we had lots of users complain that they couldn't find what they want or couldn't avoid the ones they wanted to avoid. Hence why the tags were split into two so it's clear which is which.

Not sure what you mean by "this tag perpetuates harmful stereotypes and contributes to the normalization of relationships with significant age gaps." What type of relationships are you even referring to? Romantic? Friendship? Work?

These two tags don't even apply to relationships of any type, as you can see in their definitions There are other tags that indicate the type of relationship between the characters.

There are just factual tags to indicate there is a 5+ year difference between the main cast or the main characters, and for people/users to be able to use it to filter the titles by either including these tags or excluding them, according to their preferences.

The tags do not perpetuate anything. They are just factual and present the correct information. We have plenty of other factual tags like Miniseries, Shorth Length Series, Web Series, Web Film, Short Film, Long Film, Idol Actor, Idol Actress and many more that are not related to the story but provide information about the title or the cast. Based on your post, we are supposed to remove everything that has no connection to the story or the characters, and we can't do that.

However, there are other suggestions for the tags to have their own tab/page and be split into more categories (triggers, tropes, themes, subgenres, settings, historical periods, facts, etc.) so that it provides a bigger picture to the users about the title. Example (you can go read the whole thread if you want, as it's an interesting read)

Hope this brings a clearer picture of why these tags exist in the first place.