
Issues regarding fake ratings and reviews

This discussion has been closed.

the way you calculated is completely wrong ...

lets take the last immortal as example ...

according to your calculation [ 8.8+ 8.5+ 4.3+ 8.1 ] /4 then average rating is 7.4 but now the total ratings are 8.3 ....

also almost 3% of  11000 users had dropped TLI ....

...why did not you understand that there is a problem going on the drama page of SAF ...


Yes, that's approximately 1% of 6000. The "Currently watching" and "Verified rating" don't include dropped viewers, so their average would be higher. If you calculate (7.56 + 2.98 + 7.98 + 8.53) / 4, it would be 6.7 (though this is not the correct way to average, it serves as an example). The overall rating takes into account all viewers, including those who dropped it, which contributes to the lower overall rating. The main problem we observe is the limited number of ratings or credible user ratings.

the way you calculated is completely wrong ...according to this SAF 4 has rating of less than 6 but now they have higher rating than us ...

Aoi Community Manager
There's a flaw on mdl that let people rate drama ahead of drama completion, this can be abuse by haters of new dramas to bring down their rating. 

We understand your concern,  however, it's designed to allow flexibility, considering that people may have valid reasons to drop a show early. Implementing a requirement for 100 episodes before rating might not be practical, as individual preferences vary.  

Aoi Community Manager

After reviewing the data, we don't see any intentional negative actions or misuse of ratings for this show. We suggest promoting the drama more to raise awareness, but please do so in a fair manner. I'll close this discussion now. If you have another concern, feel free to start a new one.

Note: We don't exclude invalid ratings from the total. Your average will be higher or lower if based on the public data.

Aoi locked this Jan 24, 2024 06:50 pm