Rahimah Suarez:

Me, i was planning to finish first the entire drama before starting to watch it. But I ended up watching and waiting in vain until next week. Cheers to us! 

this is only my second weekend drama ever, i binge watched another one in 3-4 days over a year ago and it killed me and my mental lol. so maybe watching it weekly will help us rest up between episodes hehe ^^


yes please I need that White Truck of Doom right nOW
I only ship Jun Ho and Mi Rim.

Hahahaha i get it. It's easy to ship MiJun. I hope they won't get the too many problems. But, considering their families confusing relationship...well, I don't have my hopes up.


this is only my second weekend drama ever, i binge watched another one in 3-4 days over a year ago and it killed me and my mental lol. so maybe watching it weekly will help us rest up between episodes hehe ^^

I also decided to try and stop myself from ever starting a long drama before it's done airing. This is torture! lol

If it helps, y'all could try watching Never Twice while you wait. It's another family weekend drama with similar feels. The baby is just the cutest little human ever and the ML is Kwak Dong Yeon. The grandma is Yeon Yuh Jung. The romances are sweet, and the ahjumma fights are epic. Though I did skip some of the annoying-ahjumma plotlines, the catfighting us pretty funny to watch. It's heartwarming and cute. 


If it helps, y'all could try watching Never Twice while you wait. It's another family weekend drama with similar feels. The baby is just the cutest little human ever and the ML is Kwak Dong Yeon. The grandma is Yeon Yuh Jung. The romances are sweet, and the ahjumma fights are epic. Though I did skip some of the annoying-ahjumma plotlines, the catfighting us pretty funny to watch. It's heartwarming and cute. 

I stated watching that one, but I never finished it. Maybe I shpuld give it a try again.


If it helps, y'all could try watching Never Twice while you wait. It's another family weekend drama with similar feels. The baby is just the cutest little human ever and the ML is Kwak Dong Yeon. The grandma is Yeon Yuh Jung. The romances are sweet, and the ahjumma fights are epic. Though I did skip some of the annoying-ahjumma plotlines, the catfighting us pretty funny to watch. It's heartwarming and cute. 

ahh i love kwak dongyeon!! i just started ‘my golden life’ but idk if i like it yet, never twice is def next on the list for me tyy!


If it helps, y'all could try watching Never Twice while you wait. It's another family weekend drama with similar feels. The baby is just the cutest little human ever and the ML is Kwak Dong Yeon. The grandma is Yeon Yuh Jung. The romances are sweet, and the ahjumma fights are epic. Though I did skip some of the annoying-ahjumma plotlines, the catfighting us pretty funny to watch. It's heartwarming and cute. 

This was a great recommendation !!...I binged watched this week while waiting for "comments" on gentleman and the lady


glad you liked it! I was thinking of re-watching my favorite parts again because the wait is tooooo long!^^

heyyy, I posted this huge ass comment on the comment section but I just saw this group and loved it. So I'll post part of it here too, so we talk about it hahahahah

  Let's talk about the amnesia, I actually like this YG too. He's immature, innocent and sees things in a simple way because he doesn't have the 20 year baggage the other YG had. But I gotta say that the way they're treating him is unfair. Well I'm not even gonna mention the lies about marriage because that's just awful and evil. It's just that people forgot how hard it must be for him to wake up one day 20 year older, a widow with 3 kids and with a completely different life.
  They judge him in a way that pisses me off, I know it must hurt the kids that their dad doesn't remember them but no one thought about how bad he feels for not remembering his own kids, his job, even his dead wife who he apparently loved so much. AHHHH I hate people blaming and judging him for all that, he hates it too and it all hurts him too! I think the comedic side of it is funny  but I wanted for them and him to connect to that painful side more and to take into consideration his feelings as well.
  I'm not blaming DanDan though since I know she treats him that way because she thinks he's been engaged all along and was like playing with her feelings or something. But she did believe in the lie the moment she heard it and didn't even give him the benefit of the doubt. She didn't trust him at all for her to be like that, but I see how it wasn't just lack of trust but also insecurity since she was pretty insecure about their relationship before. So idk I kinda get it but it annoys me, specially because she sees and portrays him as a villain because of it.
(sorry for the huge comment, I got too excited)

@nanda well they haven’t dated for a long time, so its not easy to trust immediately. Trust needs to be built up. So they she needs time. She didn’t know him that long. 

@nanda I completely agree with you! I find myself staring at the screen wondering "Is absolutely NO ONE going to give the poor guy a break?" He just woke up as a 22-year old and has to learn to cope with being the head of a household. I actually respect him for holding out his own even when he has no one to lean on for support. He's doing a very good job with his father role even though he has no memory of them. He still prioritizes them, still tries to get closer to them, still chooses them over romance.

I can't imagine just being told that you have to get married to some weirdo you don't even like. It's just emotional blackmail, forcing him to care for someone by guilt-tripping him. And he still has it in him to rebel, to call WDR out for her stupidity, to tell Sa Ra straight out that he sees her only as a noona, to draw the line and flatly refuse to get married, and to pursue DD in his own way. If they didn't portray him as a silly ten year old, more viewers would realize that the poor guy must be having a hard time.

Though I want to excuse DD, I still feel like she's treating him unfairly.  There must have been something she was sure about because she was the one (even though she was his employee and 14 years younger than him) who made the first move. And you have to be completely deaf, dumb, blind and senseless to think that Sa Ra has good motives. Sometimes I feel like she plays victim at the wrong times when she definitely has it in her to fight back. He isn't doing what he's doing on purpose. As far as his memory goes, he isn't cheating on her. I don't see why people have to be so harsh on him. 

The writer is asking me to "dumb down" too much with this amnesia plot.  He's 22 with a middle school daughter. Did he have her when he was like 13 yrs old...

Still waiting for restored memory

@USkfan you're having a math problem there... he is 22 in his mind, but he hasn't gone back in time. His body is 41 years old. Since he has a middle school daughter, it's safe to assume that he had her in his late 20s. 

41 - 22 = 19 and Jae Ni is definitely not 19 years old. He doesn't even remember his late wife, which means he met and married her sometime in his later 20s. The math is perfectly fine.


@USkfan you're having a math problem there... he is 22 in his mind, but he hasn't gone back in time. His body is 41 years old. Since he has a middle school daughter, it's safe to assume that he had her in his late 20s. 

41 - 22 = 19 and Jae Ni is definitely not 19 years old. He doesn't even remember his late wife, which means he met and married her sometime in his later 20s. The math is perfectly fine.

Oh so he's "acting like" a 22 yr old. Got it!!

Not really "acting"... he's just lost 19 years' worth of memories, so it's like he's had a reset. In his mind, he is 22, because he doesn't remember anything after that.