I don't think that Rona treated her mom horribly. She was just acting like your everyday whiny teenager who didn't get into their dream school. She actually really cares about her mom a lot and does most of the things she does for her, the only time I could call her a brat was when she dropped out but since they had a good relationship bc they only had each other, it ended with just one deep conversation and Rona was back to her usual self and got her confidence back. Seok Kyung and Su Ryeon could have had a great relationship if they had just talked and tried to understand each other like Rona and her mom do. 

Let's not forget the kids are really young haha. the way Rona acts toward her mother annoyed me a little bit but as a teenager it's not surprising.

I kind of really like Yoonchul idk why. I was so happy when I saw his evolution in s2. But everything he did after, just for Eunbyeol... I can't be ok with that because even if she is her daughter, Eunbyeol is really annoying. I mean the girl is really ready to kill the other one just because she is better? Ok, her mother didn't help but wah Eunbyeol is a really bad person. (still hope she'll be ok with the psychopath lol)

Can I just say, first of all, I love both seasons! BUT,  let's hope it doesn't become repetitive in season 3. I was super frustrated and Rona and Jenny started fueling again, like ugh friends. 

=Pray for Logan= 

But as for Logan, I kinda both wish that he really died and that he didn't at the same time. Because you know, it's gonna be tiring if everyone that's supposed to be dead is alive. But at the same time I really really don't want him to be dead


But as for Logan, I kinda both wish that he really died and that he didn't at the same time. Because you know, it's gonna be tiring if everyone that's supposed to be dead is alive. But at the same time I really really don't want him to be dead

I totally feel you. If I had to chose though, I would want him dead. Gives Suryeon fuel to attack who killed him, which I think is Dantae. If they bring him back though, who would have to be laid in bed in some sort of coma and wrapped in bandages and he wakes up in like the last episode. 

Scene- Sureyon is successful in going after the bad guys and we see her holding Logan's hand crying in some fancy hospital room and asking for a sign and he squeezes her hand- end credits.

But as for Logan, I kinda both wish that he really died and that he didn't at the same time. Because you know, it's gonna be tiring if everyone that's supposed to be dead is alive. But at the same time I really really don't want him to be dead

My problem exactly he's undoubtedly one of my favorite characters but i dont want the writers to repeat the whole dead/alive thing but if logan was somehow aware of this plan beforehand and he gets out of it or sth like that i  would be fine but he didn't look like he knew at all

Same! Like i kind of want the whole “he’s dead” so then we can move to something new, rather than repetivelu repeat the whole scheming scenarios  


My problem exactly he's undoubtedly one of my favorite characters but i dont want the writers to repeat the whole dead/alive thing but if logan was somehow aware of this plan beforehand and he gets out of it or sth like that i  would be fine but he didn't look like he knew at all

But I think there are hints in this direction. Like when his "friend" talked about Mr. Beak. The look in Logan's eyes showed that he definitely knew that it was JDT. And when his "friend" leave the car, it was pretty obvious that it was a bad thing that's gonna happen. So it would be kinda "logic" and everything that he's still alive. But tbh, I would also be kinda "bored" of the he is not dead thing. Because I already knew it for Rona, I was convinced that she was still alive, and it's believable. For Suryeon it's more... Tricky lol, I kinda think that NAG's character was written only to find a solution about her death. But for Logan... idk, I kinda wait what they'll be doing about it


Hey, i am currently watching s2e5 and not seen Quenn Lee Ji Ah yet, so this makes me so nerveous. Hitchcock fan writer Miss Kim Soon Ok  don't play with our emotions ,please.

Will not spoil anything but Lee ji ah as an actress will cm soon in the series dw