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A drama addict since March 2023. Generally, I watch dramas only to escape from the reality and fantasize myself in the fictional world of the drama where everything doesn't exist at all.  I prefer non-romance drama including mystery, suspense, thriller, bromance, wuxia, adventure, and friendship theme. If you see my watchlist, you might be wondering why I always end up dropping popular shows. I can be quite biased, but I always judge a show by its plot and storyline, not by the looks of  the actors/actresses.  If I find the story is not my cup of tea (meh), I will drop it without any hesitation.  I hope this doesn't affect your mood from watching the similar shows because this is just my point of view.  I wish we can be friends together. I'm only available in comment and review section of MDL. A hardcore Atiny, Stay, Monbebe, and more. My MBTI type is INTP. 


Thanks to 'Love and Redemption' and also 'Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sabre', I got hooked up and subsequently entered the world of Chinese drama. I also watch a bit of K-dramas although I can't say I'm thoroughly impressed. 


32d 3h 42m
1,058 episodes, 54 shows

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