first. what happen to jin sung's family? were they really hit when he called them?(confirming presidents park's threat.
then if so. if they were hit by the truck why kill oh soo?
if they were not hit then you can stab oh soo all you want.
then of all the thing i expected, why let mo cheol die without a purpose?
he could have donated his eyes to young. he could have have ordered her younger sister that when he dies, he will donate his eyes to young.
because he said he never seen the love that oh soo has for young. then if so, is it not good to help them? and make the death a good purpose. because his men even said cheol has been protecting them like a family. which they show he did. he did care for soo and jin sung, so why not ley mo cheol donate his eyes? the ending would be better for young to see again.
about jin sung and hee sun, what happen in the end? although they were together why not make them happy. why is hee sun with a guy and has to joked by jin sung in order for her to comeback? and they were talking are they going to visit soo? is he dead? for them to bring flowers?
and the ending with no clarity. is it a dream? a fantasy? or real???
if real why make it more blur? why not make it clear its the ending so why put a suspense?
i believe it was real but it was painful in the eyes to watch even in big screen.
that is only in my opinion.
all in all the story was great, music was good. will suggest and recommend it...
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The acting in this drama is really quite good. Hye Kyo does an amazing job portraying the blind Oh Young, as I can imagine it would be very hard to act blind. Jo In Sung is also a very convincing actor, all his expressions are real and genuine, and that's what I love in a drama. Kim Bum and Eunji have amazing chemistry and are very good actors! All in all, the actors themselves are very convincing and emotional.
The only reason I gave this drama a seven for rewatch value is because I don't often watch dramas for a second or third time once I know what happens, especially in a melodrama like this. I might go back and pick up things I missed the first time, which isn't much, but I don't think I'll be watching it again.
Overall, I really like this drama. It's kept me entertained and on the edge of my seat the whole time. It has an intriguing plot line and I can't wait for the last episode!
I hope you found my review helpful, this was the first time I've written one :)
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The Most Nonsensical Show Ever
While the premise of the show seemed engaging enough, nothing about how the plot unfolded made a lick of sense; plus all the characters behaved stupidly. The women who were head over heels for Oh Soo were the only ones whose actions were even remotely understandable. I don't know how the actors managed to plod through it, but a paycheck's a paycheck, I guess.A decent premise and a good cast were completely wasted on this very poorly written and executed drama. Don't waste your time on this one.
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I wanted to include this at the end,but i will add it here at the top since after the next phrase there's spoilers:Be prepared for a SLAP marathon. These guys and girls slap each other in this kdrama more than in a BDSM porn movie.
If you don't find it awkward that she fells in love with what she thinks is her brother, you are WEIRD! or you don't have a sister/brother of your own. The guy falling for her it's ok because he knows he is not her real brother,but her...ich...
Besides that everything is beautiful:
- The actors
- The acting
- The scenery
- The music
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Oh Soo - “I just don't want to be pathetic.”
I had to take a break towards the ending but then got right back on board after skipping several minutes of predictable anger and drama after the shit hits the fan. After things settle back down, I really liked what happened with the characters. It even felt like the acting improved.
Youngie is a serious and sad little thing. Cynical too. But she's not one to be messed with.
Even though she is disadvantaged in many ways and doesn't care about what is happening around her she knows how to stand up for herself in a heartbeat. When she does comes round to wanting something, she will make it happen. I liked seeing her browbeat someone who she has allowed to browbeat herself because she simply can't be bothered.
She refuses to be manipulated.
It's true that she hates accepting help but I didn't like that Oh Soo overdid things for her.
Youngie really comes to love Oh Soo quite quickly. It was nice to see her have a safe haven even if it was built on lies.
I liked how confident she became in their relationship and it was nice to see her feel so comfortable with him that she'd take him for granted and become a demanding little sister instead of always pushing him away or relying on herself.
Throughout the drama, you can never blame Youngie for anything, she is strong and makes her own way.
I think I didn't like her as much because I really really like the actor who plays the hero (Jo In Sung) and I was always on his side no matter what, so that kind of skewered my perspective of her.
Oh Soo
I first saw Jo In Sung in That's Okay, It's Love. He has such a lazy, arrogant persona. Oh Soo doesn't like himself very much. He doesn't have a lot of will to live but when he starts a con, he goes all out. He knows how to con really well. The people around him worship him, but he can't get it into his thick head that he's someone that people love.
One of the characters points out that Oh Soo knows how to put down his pride for love. And that is true. He is open about how he feels and he can make himself vulnerable.
He is at his best when he is bluffing someone. I really like how well he portrays that arrogance and the smugness.
Jin Sung
This guy just broke my heart over and over again. He is so loyal. He has his own problems and he just wants to stick with Oh Soo till the very end.
Actually, he's more like a mother bear around Oh Soo. He'll get Oh Soo through come hell or high water and he still smiles. My gosh, this kid.
Moo Chul
I actually grew to like this guy quite a lot. He has a very soothing way of speaking even when he's threatening someone.
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Almost perfect show!
Just finished That Winter, The Wind Blows on Viki.I was initially going to watch and review Bad and Crazy, but I ended up not watching it as other shows caught my attention at the last minute and I wasn't in the mood for a buddy cop show.I loved That Winter, The Wind Blows. A mellow paced, fairly lighthearted and tender romance melodrama and chaebol drama about gambler/con artist who falls in love with a blind heiress. The cinematography is breathtaking. The music, writing, direction and acting are excellent. Song Hye Kyo gives her best performance here and Zo In-Sung is wonderful. He also bears an uncanny resemblance to Park Bo-Gum. The ending felt a little rushed and unnecessarily open-ended, but it was satisfying enough. I recommend you watch the last 20 minutes of the final episode a few times. It's up to the viewer to decide. When I say "chaebol drama", I'm referring to that sub-genre of K-Drama that deals with elites. As you know, chaebols are family owned conglomerates in South Korea.
Highly recommended!
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This drama is the stereotypical cliché 'bad-boy conman' meets 'innocent rich bind girl' with the intent of scamming her for money. To do so, he poses as her long-lost brother- however during the process, he falls in love with her.
I got to say, I didn't have much expectations for this drama since the storyline was nothing new, however the first episode had me hooked and anchored! The fact that Oh Yong (played by Song Hye Kyo) was disabled, however did not allow anyone to look down on her was great since usually the girl would be considered a damsel in distress.
However, the process in which Oh Soo (played by Jo In Sung tried to make Oh Yong trust her 'oppa' more made it a bit weirded out per say. If you looked it at Yong's perspective and with Soo's non-stop touchy feely protective nature- I was cringing a bit since siblings were not supposed to be that touchy-feely with each other (well in my case), however it made sense a bit on her part. They separated when they were 6/7, and when they reunited, it was like they were both children- hence all that physical contact.
The cinematography was amazing!! I loved how the directors directed the story- it was both fast and slow pace at once. It was fast paced in the sense that everyone was happening quickly and it kept making me checking which episode I was on, not believing that everyone was happening so quickly early on. It was slow paced in the sense that they kept dragging Yong's stubbornness on, and the problems that arose.
The only problem with this was that the ending felt really rushed and it didn't answer a lot of my questions which made me question some of the plotholes.
I got to admit it hands down- both Soo and Yong's chemistry was off the charts for me. I really loved them together as they truly make a cute couple. However, yes- it was a bit weird at first since they were supposed to be siblings and Soo was being a bit too touchy with Yong, but when he finally falls in love with her slowly, you could tell that he really loves her.
Jo In Sung portrayed his character amazingly- how he cried in some scenes made me cry as well as my heart really went out for him. His portrayal of his love for Yong kept making me search up if the two actors were really dating in real life or not.
Song Hye Kyo was also amazing- I really loved her character Yong, even though she was annoying and made me irritated with her attitude sometimes. I had to forgive her character even though it sometimes made me want to rip her hair out with her stubbornness.
I also loved Eunji and Kim Bum- those two cuties. Kim Bum had an amazing bromance going on with In Sung, as I wish I had a friend as loyal as him. Eunji also portrayed an excellent younger sister of the dead ex-girlfriend of Soo, however at times- her character was beyond annoying and irritating which just made me hate on her character.
Special mention for Lawyer Jang who I felt was the only person aside from Soo who truly cared for Yong from the start. Secretary Wang was also worth mentioning, as this was the first time I saw Bae Jong Ok acting. I knew that she truly loved and cared for Yong like a real daughter- but the way she portrayed her love was borderline psychotic at times- as nothing could stop her from making sure Yong depended on her.
The Music was awesome- I seriously loved all the tracks as it fit the drama very well. Perfect 10 for me.
I will definitely watch this drama once again, even though this is a 16 episode drama, it felt more like a 20 episode drama with the pacing.
Give it a watch! This drama is packed with melodramatic romance which will certainly make you tear, laugh, and frustrated at times.
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Very cliche story of a blind heiress and the person trying to con her falling in love with her in the end. But its not really the story that keeps you its the production of the whole thing. The scenery and camera angles that focus a lot on the characters faces, even the tone of colour used for the drama - not too bright and not dark either, very modern, keep you mesmerized. The production team did very well and this makes the cliche story pop. The stories of the side characters also help to flesh out this drama but there are times where you are left wanting as the viewer is left with so many unanswered questions.
The last couple of episodes seem like they were written by a completely different person and it was almost like they thought 'oh sh*t we have to round this up quickly' which made me struggle to finish the drama and the last episode unfortunately makes no sense.
The actors did very well, it felt authentic and made you feel for them (especially when Oh Soo breaks down I almost cried with him). The change in how the viewer feels about the characters as you go through the drama is also realistic. Oh Soo, i felt very sorry for and at times I wanted to shake Oh Young so she could understand where he was coming from. His struggle to keep up pretenses whilst fighting his growing feelings was sad to watch and on top of that at every turn he seemed to hear bad news after bad news. Another thing that Jo In Sung did for the female audience is the way he portrays Oh Soo who deeply cares about Oh Young and only has eyes for her.
The other character you begin to fall in love with at the end is Moon Cheol (i shan't say why lol)
Oh Young's character will definitely annoy you at some point with the whole 'woe is me' act but then you have to remember what she has gone through and had to put up with as she grew up secluded from everyone, so at times her character becomes childish in the way she demands for things or pushes the boundaries. Another character that will annoy you is Hee Sun, who in my opinion is kind of irrelevant, her emotions are unnecessary and she becomes an enemy of progress at points. The drama would have carried on just fine without her character really.
There are some songs that really help in situations and the way the coordinator arranged the songs worked well for example not playing the chorus at one point knowing it would be emotional overkill.
I enjoyed the drama, I loved the scenery and how well it was filmed, like most dramas I've watched recently the rush at the end will annoy a newbie into the drama world lol and the constant rollercoaster of emotions might be too much for some to handle but it is an enjoyable watch. Definitely give it a try
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Where to even start with this drama? Well, let’s start with what I liked the most about it...the acting was quite good as others have mentioned, particularly Oh Soo’s actor.
He was easily one of the best actors I’ve seen in an Asian drama, and I really enjoyed his performance.
In relation to that I found Oh Soo’s character arc to be much more believable than some other dramas I’ve seen...I really felt like he grew in a much more natural way, but still felt like the same person rather than suddenly changing like, once again, other dramas I’ve seen.
My general thoughts about this drama are that, it’s okay..not bad, but certainly not great..as times it felt not fun in the slightest to watch. Good cinematography, good acting..A story than ranges from okay, to meh, to bleh...
I really don’t know why this didn’t seem to bother anyone else, but I really didn’t like how “touchy feely” they were as “siblings” there were points (especially the way she acted towards him) Where I was like “no sibling says that or does that” and things eventually started feeling more and more uncomfortable to watch as you realize their relationship is developing as “siblings”, but they’re also falling in love.
I didn’t like how wishy washy Young was at times..her behavior seem so random most of the time.
one moment she hates secretary Wang and wants her to leave (and justifiably so) and then she’s happy when she comes back? What Secretary Wang did was pretty bad and she never even really explains herself
There are so many plot holes present, particularly at the end, which was also very frustrating to me.
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Acting : i fell in love with all the characters especially the male lead iam now a huge fan of jo in sung i just can’t believe how well he portrayed his charcter , iam glad to see that kim bum’s acting really improved since boys before flowers , the other charcter that realy capitivated me was moochul’s i realy realy realy hated him at first but then found my self really caring for him .. all other supporting charcters did a realy good job everyone of them just fits right to his role
Story : I’m not realy a big fan of melodrama but the story realy capitivated me from the first episode however i got alittle bored in the last four episodes but that doesn’t realy matter because the acting kept me going on watching because i just was really happy to see that amazing performances from all the characters and not to mention that i have never cried that MUCH while watching a drama
Music : i liked the ost of the drama it was realy nice and fitted too well to the story
Overall : this is a very nice drama with superb acting and even if you weren’t really interested in the story the acting will make you want to see and finish it as it was truly amazing
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