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Mar 18, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

The story gives me high expectations

Apparently, the story was definitely a bomb. the idea is solid, good story development, and well-picked scene (even though there are some unnecessary scenes). But it's a novel adaptation, so it should be excellent on the story side. The cast, I'm not gonna judge since I don't read the novel, but the acting, kinda lacking, I could feel the 'stiffness' (IDK if the screenplay dialog is lacking or cuz it's just their first bl role or the angle). But I think the editor plays the best role here, they really doing great. The music is great, but I don't find it special. but definitely support the story pretty decent. For re-watch, I wouldn't, but some people might be cuz it's an interesting story.

overall, good! I could've given 8 if they change the ending scene. But some people said it's okay, so it might be just me.

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Apr 17, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
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Insensitive on so many levels

While I thought the overall story was decent,
the actors are good and it is nice to see a gay couple get a happier ending for once, I found the whole plotline to be very problematic .
Leave it to Korea to demonize an entire demographic of people for a disability. So many references throughout the entire story of the monos being murderers or kidnappers , doing terrible things simply for the sole fact they have a disability . I find this completely insensitive. It was completely unnecessary to give Yeonwoo thoughts of kidnapping Yoohan when Yoohan was more than willing to be close to him. That was only done to add more depth to the supposed fact that monos can't be trusted and no one should get close to them. They should just live isolated lives. And of course the main couple gets a happy ending only because it turns out that Yoohan is disabled too. Do better Korea.
The sad thing is, this almost could have been an amazing movie. There was some serious potential here for this story without all the shaming of disabled people. It's sad that the fact that Yeonwoo attempts suicide over all this is almost played off as normal.
On top of that, they made such an issue about his mom's disappearance but then leave it hanging completely in the end . Why bother throwing it in if you're not going to bother even addressing it again or brining any kind of closure?
I also think it's a bit messed up they have to incorporate mental and physical illness into one of the few queer love stories available in Korea . Seems a bit controversial to me but I'm not going to get into that too.

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Dec 22, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

The colours! The needless melodrama! The genuine emotions!!

I had the time of my life with this show, let me tell you.
At first it intrigued me by taking an age-old soulmate trope (age-old to fanfiction writers anyway - thank you for your service, gentlefolk), giving it a bit of spit and polish, and turning it into an actual TV show.
Then it entertained me with its wonderful, over-the-top teen angst. When you're young all of your emotions are just way too big for your body to contain, every moment of joy is magnified, every failure evokes utter despair, and love... well, that feels just a little bit like the end of the world.
Really good stories know how to lean into this and provide thoughtful, realistic portrayals of youth that audiences of all ages can enjoy. Best-selling stories know how to take these emotions to their extremes and that's how you get delightful abominations like Twilight.
This show, I thought, is going to be gay soulmate Twilight and I am here for every ludicrous second of it!

But then, finally, the series completely hooked me by somehow being none and all of the above at the same time.
The plot is indeed something straight out of a fanfiction, but the general tone, pacing, and writing make it all seem fresh and new.
The characters and their emotions are intense, dramatic, and utterly, disarmingly sincere. Forget being shielded by a thick layer of sheer mirth, this show punched its way straight through all my silly, goofy expectations and demanded I actually care about its characters.
Yes, the story is still somewhat ridiculous and over-the-top, there's unresolved plot-threads galore, and most of the angst could have been avoided if only everyone involved just went to therapy.
But the characters feel real and there is such genuine care, love, and humour woven into the script it actually makes you sit up and listen. Someone clearly had a vision for this story, they knew what they were making and they pulled it off exactly as planned.
But why, why this combination of deep care and utter ludicrousness?
Well, to me it all starts to make sense if you consider the show as a parable. And I don't just mean the clear thematic metaphors of queer love and homophobia, though lord knows there's those as well.
No, I mean the drama as a whole. The vast and unfamiliar world we're thrust into and expected to accept unquestioningly. The extreme highs and lows of emotions, the hurried pacing, the picture-perfect happy ending, the COLOURS.
It's a parable, and a damn effective one at that, about fear and desire and a desperate, clawing search for love.
It teaches us that, though freedom, love, and identity can feel overwhelming and all-consuming if you've been deprived of them, there is nothing more important than opening yourself up to them anyway and that, once you do, you won't be swept away by some uncontrollable force, no, life just sort of... continues. It becomes ordinary, beautifully mundane even.

Maybe I'm reading to much into it all, maybe this really is gay soulmate Twilight and if you enjoy it that way, that's fine too.
But to me this is a really rather clever little drama which uses a highly stylised format to incisively analyse the terrors of love and desire from a distinctly queer viewpoint.
There are honestly endless ways to enjoys this series so give it a try - watch it and see, maybe you'll get something entirely different and unique out of the experience.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jan 22, 2021
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 5.0
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My feelings on this short series

Ok, I just finished the series so my opinions and feelings are still very fresh.

First of all I want to point out how great it is the South Korea is starting to open up more into the BL genre. They are constantly making short series and although they have few and short episodes, they are small stepping stones into the fantastic BL world.
That being said, I am somewhat neutral about this story.
Firstly, I loved the cast, the music and the colors, especially the plotline. However, the story isn't finished.
It took about four episodes to get things rolling and there just wasn't enough time in each episode to get things done smoothly. The story was slow and though it would have been perfect for a longer story, this series just didn't have the time for that.
But the biggest issue I have with this is Yeon Woo's missing mother. She was mentioned from the beginning, Yeon Woo was obsessed about seeing her in her blue dress and brown shoes, his aunt was investigating her disappearance and if felt like they were going to find out what happened to her and the other Mono's. But nope. Nothing came from that, there was no conclusion on his mothers issue or what could have happed not to mention the issues that might have come up between her and his father.
The story isn't finished and although I hope there will be another, longer series, I won't hold my breath.
Even with my complaints though, the series is beautiful and the storyline is interesting enough. It won't be one I'll go back and re-watch but I may skim through it once more just for the beauty.

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Tanya Hernandez
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 20, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

12/10 powerful homoeroticism i really enjoyed it. Kings only.

I mean what do you want me to say? Kings. Legends.

I went into this not expecting much tbh i was like EH another "BL" show itll be done badly and itll suck but hey at least i get to see gay people on screen TT_TT



Listen. The storyline is great. Love it. Reading peoples comments alongside watching this, perfect. i could not stop laughing I had such a good time. YES at times its obvious that the storyline is cut short or not fleshed out enough but this is adapted from a novel so I'm not mad.

ALSO i have NEver seen a gay romance done like this in any korean drama to date. and EVEN MORE

i was SO SurPRISED to find out that a KPOP IDOL was in this. that shocked me to my core. Since kpop idols arent usually allowed to go anywhere near gay stuff like this bc of rumors....mad respect to Hyun Jun. Mad respect. what an absolute King. what a legend.

That being said. Hyun Jun is my favorite I will admit that I watched this drama until the end halfway bc of him I am incredibly jealous of him and wish I could look like him I mean every shot he was in he looked so cool or he just looked so BEAUTIFUL i couldn't believe it. His character was also super adorable. I'm so sad to hear that this is the only kdrama hes ever been in i want to see him more i became his fan after watching this.

Hur Hyun Jun, I'm your fan, please do more dramas TT_TT

If I could rate this 12/10, I would. That's my actual rating. Idk why people said they hated this and that it was bad. it was awesome i had a GREAT time watching this lol I wish it had longer episodes and like...a more fleshed out story bc I just think lgbtq+ stories deserve that too. (I wanna see a really good long mainstream kdrama w a queer lead...someday..)

but this is definitely a step in the right direction for korean dramas so MAD RESPECT and i hope everyone that worked on this show and esp Hur Hyun Jun, I wish you all good fortune for the rest of your lives. Thank you.

Watch this show its good.

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Aug 4, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.5

I wish I liked it more...

The concept was cool, but I feel like overall the show was kind of boring. Most episodes were the exact same. I don't feel the romance was executed well either. I didn't feel attached to them or feel any chemistry between them. The fact they had all these special connections that seemingly said they're "meant to be", yet there was barely romance present. It was a whole lot of talking about colors and not much else.

It had cute moments, I just wish it had been more. I will move on to season 2 to see if the new love interest is better.
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Oct 12, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
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Honestly, I am not sure what I've just seen

Before watching the show, I thought I was getting into a slow-burn love romance.
I was both wrong and right.

What can I say about this show? Let's start with the negative.

-the effect of the change in the eyes around the person was too much neon kitty for me and it distracted the viewer from the very decent effect they have done on the eyes themselves.
-there wasn't really any character development from the characters. I am still not sure what is the deal with both of them.

-The actors were ok. They've done their best with this weird plot and characters.
-Decent production.

I am honestly not sure what I think about it. The main thing, aside from the lack of character development was the weird plot they've gone through. Up until episode, 7 things were nice-romantic BL, and all at once, it became a suicide-murder-tv show. I know they have shown how hard it was to resist the colors but I wish they have shown more than half an episode on the main character. He was turning mad at the colour too fast for my taste. It felt like it had so much wasted potential.

However, at the same time, I finished the whole show in one evening. I don't how to explain it. The show really wasn't good yet so addictive.

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Feb 26, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
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Really intriguing concept for a BL

I love the concept of the mono and probe, with the mono being colorblind until they meet their probe who lets them see color. Lots of potential for relationships which the drama did well with at times. I was hooked on the first episode and was pleasantly surprised by how good the actor for the main character Yeon Woo is. His acting feels natural in even serious moments. However the same can't really be said of of the actor for his love interest, Yoo Han. There's something about the way he talks that's too soft/monotone, and his emotions don't come across that well. Their chemistry is fine for the most part, except that kiss near the end looked super fake. There are other parts that make me laugh out loud, like when Yeon Woo sees color the visual effects are pretty cringe.

I thought the two guy friends in their class were cute, I wish they had more screentime but they just disappeared after like the first two episodes. Usually I get annoyed by the MC's friends but they were fun.

Storyline is good but chonky at times. Like it feels like there's a gap in between scenes or suddenly the main characters are really close for no reason. And at the end it reveals that Yoo Han has face blindness, which I feel like is a big deal too and could've been used for the plot but he just casually revealed it like wth?? I want to know more about Yeon Woo's mom and her disappearance. I'm looking forward to watching the second season, thought I wonder how it will be with a new actor for Yoo Han's character.

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BL worshipper
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 5, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

A bit of a letdown

So I went headfirst into this series after watching beautiful edits, and obviously having pretty high expectations. Unfortunately, it did not end up as good as I had thought it would be.

The 8 episodes did not give it enough time to flesh out their 'Mono n Probe' relationship, and I felt like the love they claim to have, is not entirely clear whether it stems from obsession, or curiosity, or just because they believe it is their fate. There was no clear feelings of romance between the 2 leads, and I thought what came the closest to being romance would be when Probe was teaching Mono about colours, again is that really romantic?

I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt, thinking that it would develop more before the end, but it never really did.

I do give it that the settings of the story is quite interesting, and the actors are fitting for their parts. But it was very rushed, and many scene was choppy and lacking congruency.

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May 3, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 4.0

YooJun Hard Carried

This drama has an interesting plot but honestly the execution could be heaps better. Everything feels half baked including the acting. YooJun gave a solid performance, but you can tell that the other male lead is still developing his skills. Unfortunately eventhough there platonic chemistry is amazing, I don't think they had any romantic chemistry. I just wished the other male lead look slightly more happy to kiss men.
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Apr 3, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
Would i watch it again? Not really. Don't get me wrong, i like it... I didn't expect to like it this much actually. It's a good drama... Not great, lacks some depth, but its good. Chose it to pass the time and because the synopsis sounded interesting but didn't had high expectations. In the end, it surprised me. This guys just feather kissed in the last episode and yet i felt the thrill all trough the show. They created breathless tension just with the looks and little touches and i was always holding my breath when it happened. It's a cute drama, worth the watch but in the end it's not that good to make me want to come back. And don't get me started on the 2nd season. Why ruin a good story by making a 2nd season when one of the main actors didn't return and trying to force another main character in?! Anyways... This one-good. 2nd one-at your own risk.

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Jun 30, 2022
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 6.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

Maybe it’s because I watched it on dramacool

The storyline was definitely interesting and new in a good way. I liked how it wasn’t a simple romance drama but has a good plot too. But I didn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted too. Am I seeing things or was the chemistry kinda bad…. like it felt weird and the quality was kinda bad which is dramacool fault i know that also what kind of threw me off was the fact that in many of their scenes he was awkwardly wearing a mask like 😭😭 anyways it wasn’t horrible but not the best, I really did try with season 2 i just couldn’t
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