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he got angry and jealous in the past when that guys talked about the girl he likes and now he got jealous again when human Shin was with her), so perhaps they will find a way of turning him into human?

Yes i think so too. I mean how can a robot have all these kind of emotions. And all the talk of wishing he were human is making me wonder if there is a posibility that he can turn into a human. everything is possible in dramaland but the question is if the writer will go with this plot. how can he pull that off without it being too unrealistic..  i really dont know but i think somehow that NS3 cant stay a robot and have a romantic realationsship with So Bong for the longrun. Im so curious what the writer is having in mind. I hope there will be a happy ending. I love NS3 so much i dont want him to die.. this kill switch is bugging me ... Now its in the hands of the chaebol and someone will activate the switch for sure. 

Ok yes he grew up in a house surrounded by evil people so part of his personality you can understand up to a certain point but that ending scene in the last episode throwing at Kang So Bong he should have hit her harder in the head and then grabbing her arm in a death grip was rather creepy. He seems jealous of InHuman-Shin and now has taken a sort of creeper interest in Kang So Bong like she's in love with him or something. I fear going by the next previews he's going to try to do something untoward towards her. 

Omg that was so creepy and i hated him so much that he said that he should have hit her harder. I wanted to punch him so bad.. He should have been hit harder by the truck .... okay maybe that was too mean but i couldnt stand him saying that. On the other hand i do feel a tiny little bit sorry for him. He was in a coma and it seems like NS3 is better at his life than he himself. People love him, he is smart and capable and NS3 is just the better version of NS. He is jealous of him that he could spend time with his mother all these years and in little time win everybodys heart. But why do i have the feeling that he will change for the better with the help of So Bong and NS3.. and i have a weird feeling that he will too fall in love with Kang So Bong.. I cant wait what the writer has in mind... I want it to be monday so bad xD

I think NS3 will become a human step by step. He developing some emotions also. Maybe the bio ink injected to NS3 by his mom will convert his body to a human body.???? who knows ending is so unpredictable!!!!

Any one else concerned that Kang So Bong said "Kill Switch" in front of Human-Shin after he cut his hand before she ran out of that conference room?  We know the father of InHuman-Shin is working on dismantling it and now it's currently in that Grandpa's Matrix room lol but... I get a feeling that Human-Shin is going to get his hands on that box considering his minion rich fan-girl saw Kang So Bong picking something up from the Mother.  Human-Shin is riddled with resentments with being stolen from his Mother, her semi replacing him with a doll like version of himself while he was forced to grow up alone surrounded by money hungry people trying to destroy him. 

Flipping the kill switch knocks off having a more perfect version of himself and it cuts his Mom and Grandfather to the quick since they both replaced him since childhood on.  In killing InHuman-Shin he gets his revenge on everyone.

I still keep pondering if his health is failing though and by the end it's going to take a morphing of both Shin's to keep one alive.  Even though nothing like that has happened I keep having this underlying feeling Kang So Bong is in for a world of heartbreak in some capacity. 

That ending scene of InHuman-Shin asking her about jealousy was priceless.

None of the Korean shows I have seen about dual roles (except School 2015) have ended up with both roles surviving .Don't think AYHT will buck the trend.Still,interesting to see where this will lead.

 Venkat R:

I think NS3 will become a human step by step. He developing some emotions also. Maybe the bio ink injected to NS3 by his mom will convert his body to a human body.???? who knows ending is so unpredictable!!!!

Lol just like the original Pinocchio xD he'll be a real boiiii :p


i think we can hope for the best since SKJ had said on VLIVE that this is not a melodrama with sad ending. i don't think he would disconsider NS III, so... i feel something really bad is going to happen but with SKJ saying that gives me hope NS III will not be permanently cut off of the drama

I really hope that I could get proven wrong here.I would also like a happy ending for Namsin III 

I am so glad someone started this thread!  Thank you so much.

The first four episodes of this drama made me want to scream.  Both human Namsin and Kang So-Bong were written in a non-relatable way.  After episode 4, the storyline picked up and the redemptive arc for Kang So-Bong started to fall into play and I haven't been able to miss a single minute.  I'd also like to praise the two leads in their acting ability.  Human Shin and AI Shin were portrayed so brilliantly by Seo Kang-joon that these parts seemed defined by two different actors.  Bravo!

As for the ending, I agree with the statement that perhaps AI Shin will have his memories inserted into the human Shin.  What intrigues me the most is the reaction between the two Shin's as almost a Cain and Abel storyline.   I cannot wait to see where the writers take us next!   


They will make a female cyborg version of Kang So Bang so both the humans and cyborgs will have a romantic ending <3

Oh this is perfect! I hope this is how it ends because NamShin3 just can't end up with real So Bong!

There are a few endings possible, but all I know is that right now I still don't ship So Bong with NS3... I love his character and I hope he will have a happy ending, but I can't imagine him ending up with her seriously

I thought about something like in the Lucy movie,  all his knowledge could be transferred into something else... or if he is revealed to the world as he is it could be a whole new storyline going on.... The most evident ending I can think about is that he changes appearance or is rebooted. 

So Bong could also die and be transformed into another robot, who knows ? But honestly I find this way too dramatic compared to the drama level of this show :p

After the latest episode, I'm almost scared to think that Nam Shin III will sacrifice himself in Human Nam Shin's redemption arc. I feel like the grandfather is going to take out his murder gloves again and come for human Nam Shin and the robot dies trying to protect him like the good robo-hyung he is T_T

I’ve been thinking the same thing Blue - or the grandpa is going to try to take out So Bong or “Hyung” and he and Nam Shin have to team up and NamShinIII takes the bullet to save them all?

Though that kill switch keeps coming up and I wonder if NSIII doesn’t take out the whole computer complex and Grandpa to save all the people he “loves”

NiceNoona - brilliant. It would take this show to a whole new level. I think in this scenario there would still be a “back door” for NSIII and he leaves intact, but everyone thinks he is no more.

I think maybe Nam shin mom will help Nam shin III disappear and lead human Nam shin belive that she activated the kill switch. Once Nam shin III is out of the picture then her son can focus on healing. He is so angry right now he can't think straight. Every action he making is out of sadness and loneliness. He wanted so much for everyone to see him thats why he want to prove to eveyone that he is so much more superior and capable than a robot.

I hate the theory that Song Bong will fall in love with human Nam shi..how is that even possible. Just because peoples  cant justify that she cant be with a robot, thats not realistic.But all the moments and  time she spent with Nam shin III cant be wipe away just like that..she has so many sweet memories of him and her together, how can she just forget that. It make no sense. Even in the end they cant be together I still cant see she end up with human Nam shin. That just ridiculous.

I think the ending will definitely be NS III killed by the switch (or he killed himself). The robot love will be remembered by So Bong as a beautiful memory of her life. No new love line with human NS.

Human NS will change into a good person because of NS III's affection just like how he did to us ♥

That's my prediction only and of course I want a happy ending but no way we're gonna get that with this drama.