I’m interested in watching Chinese fantasy/historical dramas but get turned off due to their length. The most I can stand are 20 hour long episodes, anything more than that becomes tedious. Can anyone recommend any dramas or movies with a good ending that I can watch?


Journey to the West (1986) - 25 episodes.  It's fast-paced and fun, so it doesn't feel long.

Wu Xin: The Monster Killer (2015) - 20 episodes.  I haven't seen this one, but a friend recommended it to me.


Green Snake (1993)

A Chinese Odyssey (1995) (there are 2 parts)

Wu Xin: The Monster Killer** +1

The Vigilantes in Masks --- 30 eps

Your Highness** --- 20 eps

Young Blood --- 42 eps (I know it seems long, but this is a fast-paced drama so you won't actually feel bored)