
Our female lead is slated to die in 100 days. So predictions on how this is gonna go? I have a bunch of theories based on the genre.

  • She dies and our male lead learns some valuable lesson about humanity (really hope this isn't the ending because I'm tired of "terminally ill person dies and inspire others" Walk to Remember plot lines)
  • She lives, he becomes human, they live happily ever after.
    • something similar but with added amnesia for some angst?
  • She dies but becomes doom along side him and they doom people together for eternity (I really kind of want this ending?)
  • They meet each other again in another life

i liked the third one that she becomes doom with him like this gonna be unexpected and great 

the last prediction is stereotyped and would ruin the drama if it happens 


I'm gonna play the devil here and say that I love predictable but happy endings XD Mostly because I think life is already pretty hard, so when I watch kdramas I really wish everything could end well and leave me with a warm feeling. So yeah, this would be the ending I personally wish for!

Actually, me too...  Happy endings all the way for me. For once I just felt like this story could handle a good tragedy ending. But not in the heart-breaking way of it all being a hallucination or something. But in the beautiful way that says something about humans nature or existence. Where the characters are reconciled with their choices and while someone dies or fails or something you can still step away from the drama feeling light. 

I see some people are mentioning hallucination as an ending! but how can that even be when other people are seeing doom as well and we have scenes where Dong-kung isn't even there and doom is interacting with the sick girl in the hospital, how can that be a hallucination????


I see some people are mentioning hallucination as an ending! but how can that even be when other people are seeing doom as well and we have scenes where Dong-kung isn't even there and doom is interacting with the sick girl in the hospital, how can that be a hallucination????

She's already hospitalised and dreaming it all? Wouldn't be the first show to suddenly pull "it was all a dream"

Some ideas I have, somewhat similar to others,

1. She makes MM human as her wish, then since she didn't wish for doom,  they both die since he's the one she loves at that time (sad ending, but they both experienced love so we take it)

2. I think the girl in the hospital is Mother Earth, who's dying because of us and the imbalance with Doom. DK becomes the new Mother Earth her love with MM brings balance and they live happily ever after. (ignore plot holes, because it's happy)

I'm sure I'll come up with more ideas as the show goes on, seeing as how there was so much we didn't even get into from the first 2 episodes. I'm excited for the plot twists!!

I seriously missed seo in guk in my dramalist. ? He's hot here BTW.  I like the storyline as well. 

I've got multiple theories though which have similarities to the ones posted here previously. 

I just kind of have a feeling that this drama could end at ep12-14 but they have to hit the 16 ep target that's why they had to include supporting roles that would seem to have a big role in the drama but actually they wouldn't do much for our main leads...? I dunno. Just a feeling. ? 

So here goes my theory...

1.  There was someone like Myeol Mang before. He probably made a wish like dooming a lot of people just like Dong Kyung's initial wish or he wished something beyond someone's imagination? And probably that wish was granted and because that wish was granted, he was the exchange for that wish, so he became Doom. That's my first theory.

2. Myeol Mang wants to grant Dong Kyung's wish of Doom so he can get out of the hell hole he is in and that Dong Kyung would replace him. I kind of got this idea because of his initial conversation with the deity. Asking if he was born or how did he exist and about his birthday. I think the reference of his birthday is the day he became Doom. Hopefully, this gets answered soon in the following episodes.

3. My last theory! Remember when Myeol Mang told Dong Kyung that if she doesn't do her end of the bargain, she's gonna live and her loved one will have to die? 

Dong Kyung will fall in love with Myeol Mang and he finds out that this happened (he probably has fallen in love with her too by that time) he'd let her defer her wish and he'll end up disappearing so Dong Kyung can live and he will finally die. Which is going to be the tragic part.

If we add another factor like Dong Kyung becoming Doom when he grants her final wish, then he would probably do some ultimate sacrifice so she doesn't end up like him. Since it's so obvious that he hates his fate and the way he had to live day by day being Doom. Knowing this, Dong Kyung would probably want to replace Myoeng Mang from his misery and wish for something like taking his place.  

But that would be the ultimate irony because both had already fallen in love with each other and they have to make ultimate sacrifices for each other. 


So basically this drama has a doomed ending... unless the writer makes up something really really good that both would end up alive or be able to survive at some point. I just wish this doesn't end up like GOBLIN. Because I seriously hate afterlives. The story is about the present not about their lives in another timeline/world. That's just BS for me and lazy writing.

Also... no time skipping hopefully. I'd be really pissed off with the writer if there's a time skip for this drama.

I like that we're all bracing ourselves for the worst, lol! Solidarity!!


I like that we're all bracing ourselves for the worst, lol! Solidarity!!

Lol! Since we're given the snippet of DOOM from episodes 1-2, we all are anticipating for a Doomed ending and probably not trying to get our hopes up that both the main characters survive their fate and live a happy ending. BUT that's a big fat chance from all that's being shown so far.

The whole thing seems to be 'influenced' heavily by Goblin, so I will go with - FL dies, Doom becomes human, and they meet in the after-life and live (die) happily ever after.

Well I like the third suggestion  but here I want a twist that is I want her to become a kind of yin energy to  match yang energy of Doom ...she will personify spring, light and hope ...nobody can exist without each other ...they will complement each other 

He makes her fall in love with him, knowing she won't fulfil her promise and that way he can die... because now he will be the person she loves the most 


He makes her fall in love with him, knowing she won't fulfil her promise and that way he can die... because now he will be the person she loves the most 

Just saw episode 3, guess she will be the one to make him fall in love with her.. I'm loving this!

I feel like it will be either happy or open ending. For example, they meet again after many years or he is left alone after she dies and somehow manages to see her again. Something similar to  Memories of the Alhambra.

Maybe at the end she won't respect the contract and the person who will die will be herself , because at that moment she will love herself the most. It was her destiny to die anyway, so everything goes as planned.