
A question regarding "Secret Garden". Can someone share what the definition of secret garden is? 

Is it merely a garden that is not visible or accessible for public? 

For example if a garden is inside a royal palace of a princess and people outside don't know about it, unless they get into the palace, would that count as secret garden?

And for "Flower in water" does it need to be a whole flower or would flower petals also count? 

Thank you! ^.^

A secret garden is one hidden away that no one knows about. A secret garden might be one that a character knows about, but no one else - or only those that the character chooses. I wouldnt say a palace garden counts, as anyone who lives, works, or goes to the palace has access.

There’s a different prompt for flower petals, so that prompt needs to be a whole flower.

What's the difference between a pot and a vase? I keep seeing flowers in pots/vases but I never know which to categorise it as. If there's a flower in a vase does it count for the 'spot a flower in a pot' prompt or is there a specific definition of 'pot' that the prompt is looking for?


Ok wait sorry I have another question lol. For 'living with a disability', does mysophobia count? It's disabling, so I would assume so. Also for the 'spot a pressed plant', does it have to be in the act of being pressed or could it be already pressed and as decorations on a card or in a drawer or something?


Ok wait sorry I have another question lol. For 'living with a disability', does mysophobia count? It's disabling, so I would assume so. Also for the 'spot a pressed plant', does it have to be in the act of being pressed or could it be already pressed and as decorations on a card or in a drawer or something?

Mysophobia is a type of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, so yes.

Spot a Pressed Plant can already be pressed, yes

There’s a different prompt for flower petals, so that prompt needs to be a whole flower.

Too bad, haha. It was a whole flower but in the drama only petals of the flower are put into water. ^^

What's the difference between a pot and a vase?

I'd say the difference is that a pot is used for entire blooming plants with roots and have flower soil in it (need to be watered), while a vase is used for cut flowers (no roots) that are put into water. 

Flower pots

So Flowers in water can be used for flowers in a vase, while any blooming plant in a pot should qualify for Flower in a pot. 

MDL Watch Challenge 2024 staff, please correct me if I'm wrong. :) 


Too bad, haha. It was a whole flower but in the drama only petals of the flower are put into water. ^^

There will be plenty of opportunity im sure! A flower in a vase counts as a flower in water. A flower thrown in the water (which ive seen several times in dramaland) also counts as a flower in water.


I'd say the difference is that a pot is used for entire blooming plants with roots and have flower soil in it (need to be watered), while a vase is used for cut flowers (no roots) that are put into water. 

Flower pots

So Flowers in water can be used for flowers in a vase, while any blooming plant in a pot should qualify for Flower in a pot. 

MDL Watch Challenge 2024 staff, please correct me if I'm wrong. :) 

Thats my take as well. Im just waiting on the feedback from my fellow staff members.


I read your explanation and I definitely would call that abuse.

Thanks! :D


There will be plenty of opportunity im sure! A flower in a vase counts as a flower in water. A flower thrown in the water (which ive seen several times in dramaland) also counts as a flower in water.

No problem, the drama also had lotus flowers in water. I just wanted to make sure. ^^ 

A question for the Poisonous plant/Plant in a crime prompts. 

I watched a drama where Nux Vomica (poison nut) was used as poison to kill people. Is it enough to know the poison was made with this plant and see a small bottle of the poison or do we need to actually see the poisonous plant? 


What's the difference between a pot and a vase? I keep seeing flowers in pots/vases but I never know which to categorise it as. If there's a flower in a vase does it count for the 'spot a flower in a pot' prompt or is there a specific definition of 'pot' that the prompt is looking for?


A flowerpot is designed to grow whole plants/flowers and is filled with soil. A vase is meant to store cut flowers and is filled with water. 

Of course, there are other definitions of a pot that you might be able to use (we didnt specify a flowerpot) that as long as it has a flower (real, fake, image, whatever) could work. But a vase is not a pot. So a flower in a vase would be more likely to fall into the "flower in water" prompt.

Ah... so "butterflies in the tummy" or "ants in the pants" could be an alternative. Not that those are easier to spot than real butterflies or bugs but nice to know. ;) 

Yes. Sayings can also count. In fact, going back to your Secret Garden question - there's a few sayings that involve "secret garden" that you could in theory count as long as you provide the saying/definition that you are pulling from.

I'm not an expert on cherry blossom festival and I may be wrong, but as far as I know the season of cherry blossom is celebrated in both Japan and South Korea and it's main purpose is to admire the blooming trees, meet with family or friends, take some pictures, eat some food and drink sake. There are organised events like Gimpo's Annual Cherry Blossom Festival or Yeouido Spring Flower Festival etc. but I was under impression that (at least in Japan) hanami festival lasted as long as cherry blossom season and it counted as flower festival celebration as long as one went to admire blooming trees with their family or friends (like in the film The Makioka Sisters, where the four sister watch blooming sakuras every year). Am I wrong? Please, tell me what you think. If that doesn't count as Flower festival, I'll just look for a different title :)

So, if i'm understanding this correctly, going to see the cherry blossoms with friends or family is what Japan and Korea count as their flower festival. But maybe not a casual seeing of a cherry blossom tree while they are alone? And it has to be an intentional walk to see the trees?

(Also, yes. As long as that is what they count as their recognized Cherry Blossom Festival, it counts for our flower festival prompt).

There was a post in here yesterday about a specific genus of flowers and how theyre scientifically clumps of flowers who look superficially like petals. 

As long as you can defend your pick with a definition, it counts. Words have multiple definitions. Especially in different fields of knowledge. Some things may be part of a figure of speech, a saying, slang, a reference, an innuendo, etc. Or even just being non-literal. For "secret garden," if you manage to find a title (movie, drama, tv show, special) that references the movie or book "Secret Garden" it would count. 

Just provide that definition/defense in the notes column of your sign up sheet. ;)