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Not me. I used to but don't really watch music programs live anymore.

I'm the type that has a hard time dropping dramas... even if I hate them (which is such a waste of time).
Not me 

I'm the type to procrastinate on school work 
Not me. 

I'm the type that likes to re-watch my favorite drama(s).

@AlpacaJin Not me

Im the type that hates liars.
Me too..

I'm the type to give someone a second chance...even if they don't deserve it
Me too... very often, haha. I easily "forgot" that somebody has been e.g. really mean to me in the past and forget about it... and end up possibly getting hurt again. It's just an evil cycle that I don't know how to stop. :(

I'm the type that has a really, really hard time lying, even if I'm "forced" to.
Me too- I always try to "exaggerate" the truth or just avoid talking if I have to lie lol 

I'm the type to have trust issue 
me too.

I'm the type to look at my phone as soon as I wake up in the morning.
I don't have a phone, but I do check my laptop first thing in the morning ;)

I'm the type that goes to sleep after 12:00 am. 
me too..everynight

I'm the type that is an extremely light sleeper
Not me. I sleep like a log xD

I'm the type that enjoys watching a drama with someone. 
Not me..I like talking about them later but watching them alone

I'm the type that hates amnesia story lines in dramas
Not me. Although it depends on how it happens I guess.

I'm the type that dislikes love triangles. 
As long as its done tastefully I don't mind one.

I'm the type that hates when female leads let men treat them like crap and justify it
Me too! Absolutely and totally hate it!

I'm the type that either goes through alternating periods of being totally obsessed with dramas and binge watching one after another to just not watching them at all.