Not me

I'm incredibly picky when choosing a drama and often drop most an episode or two in, but if I find a drama I love and watch it till the end it becomes a cherished gem. 

Not me (I do have my preferences but usually give the drama at least a couple of episodes (4+)  to convince me before I drop it, but dramas I love do become a cherished gem for me too) 

I get easily interested in a drama just by the cover or synopsis

Me too

I'm the type who watches dramas/movies from pirated sites... 

Not me (unless there's no other option to watch) 

I'm the type to obsessively add any dramas that have a genre/theme/tag I'm particularly fond of in my Plan to Watch list

Not me (it takes an interesting story too and a few other variable things but I do use tags as an indictor if I would probably like the drama or not)

I'm the type to collect pictures such as screenshots, behind the scene photos or fanart of favorite dramas

Not me (although I have saved a few that I really like)

I’m the type to rewatch only certain episodes of favorite dramas multiple times

Not me, I tend to rewatch whole dramas.

I'm the type to binge watch movies like they are the episodes of a drama, normally same genre

Not me

I'm the type who only watches dramas with happy endings

Def not me.

I tend to prefer a well made tragic ending than a fluffy sappy ending.

Me too

I'm the type to easily drop a movie or drama without a second thought

Me too

I'm the type to give anything supernatural a try.

Me too

I'm the type who prefers modern dramas than historical ones

Me too 

I am the type to sometimes enjoy corny dramas bc... why not? 

Me too

I'm the type to snack on seaweed while watching historicals